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Playing With / Meaningful Name

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Basic Trope: A character's name has significance.

  • Straight: A man named Blaze Infernoheat has fire-based superpowers.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Everyone with superpowers gets a name that sounds perfectly normal, but is some kind of reference to their powers via its etymology. (e.g. Aiden for somebody with fire-based superpowers.)
  • Justified: The name is an alias they took because it fits them.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • An elemental goddess is in the process of bestowing Blaze Infernoheat with his powers, hinting that they will be something that is very fitting for him. He ends up getting earth-based powers.
  • Double Subverted:
    • "Blaze Infernoheat" turns out to be an alias, and his real name is Clay S. Tone.
    • Blaze then learns to use magma powers and improvise them to create fire.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Blaze Infernoheat is given earth-based powers. However, it turns out that his real name is Clay S. Tone, but as soon as he reveals this his powers suddenly become water-based. Meanwhile, his nemesis Gig A. Wattson has electricity-based powers, but his evil sidekick Neptune Atlantic controls fire. But Neptune Atlantic turns out to be an alias and HIS real name is Blaze Infernoheat.
    • A Nazi General is named Izanami Von Lodern, while his surname indicates that he loves Playing with Fire, the name Izanami has nothing to do with his position, nor his ability. It then turns out Izanami is a Sdrawkcab Name, it means "I'm a Nazi".
  • Averted:
    • Blaze Infernoheat has no particular relation to fire.
    • The author carefully made sure that no character's name means anything, no matter how unrealistic they have to sound to do that.
  • Enforced:
    • "He has fire-based powers, so we should give him a fire-based name to fit them."
    • This could make it easier to remember which name goes with which character.
    • The name is a Chekhov's Gun.
  • Lampshaded: "Did your parents name you hoping you'd be a pyromaniac?"
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: The villains are able to defeat Blaze by water after hearing his name.
  • Defied: "What, just because my name is Blaze I have to shoot pillars of fire from my hands?"
  • Discussed: Upon hearing the names of the members of the Quirky Mini Boss Squad, Blaze is able to determine, with alarming precision, which kind of power each one of them has.
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: A boatman is named Kelvin.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Blaze Infernoheat is bullied because of his ridiculous name. It leaves him so psychologically scarred he decides to burn everyone who made fun of him.
    • Cain Lucifer gets rumored as a reincarnation of evil after he accidentally kills a child, he eventually gives into disrepair and decides he should truly fit his name once and for all, so Then Let Me Be Evil happens.
  • Reconstructed: Instead of burning the bullies, he becomes a righteous superhero with a fire motif.

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