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Playing With / Love-Interest Traitor

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Basic Trope: Character's new love interest turns out to be evil.

  • Straight: Bob's new crush, Evi Lynn, is later revealed to work with the Big Bad Emperor Evulz.
  • Exaggerated: After that, Bob gets several more love interests but they also turn out to be evil.
  • Downplayed: Only "evil" insofar as being unkind to the point they can't get along.
  • Justified: Evi figures she can play a long game by integrating herself into Bob's social circle in order to mislead him for as long as she needs to.
  • Inverted: Bob turns out to have been the villain all along, seducing the new love interest.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but then it later turns out that she was only faking being good.
    • The Big Bad manages to get her to see things from his perspective, so she pulls a Face–Heel Turn for real.
  • Parodied: Evi Lyn lets out an Evil Laugh as soon as Bob asks her out, and he notices nothing.
  • Zig Zagged: ??
  • Averted: The new love interest genuinely is a good person.
  • Enforced: The author wants to make a point about how love can sometimes blind us to who someone really is.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, the new love interest was bad all along? What are the odds?"
  • Invoked: ??
  • Exploited: ??
  • Defied: Bob makes sure everyone he gets involved with is good.

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