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Playing With / Love Before First Sight

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Basic Trope: A character falls in love with another character before even meeting them in person.

  • Straight: Alice falls in love with Bob after seeing his picture or reading his letter.
  • Exaggerated: Alice wants to marry Bob the moment she hears his name.
  • Downplayed: Alice is awed at Bob's looks, but isn't exactly head over heels yet.
  • Justified: Alice and Bob were lovers in a past life; they technically have met before, but just not in this life.
  • Inverted: Alice sees a picture of Bob and immediately hates him.
  • Subverted: Alice meets Bob, only to realise he's not really all that and a bag of chips.
  • Double Subverted: After spending some more time with Bob however, Alice genuinely falls for him.
  • Averted: Alice only falls in love with people she's met in person.
  • Deconstructed: Alice is utterly besotted with the picture of a man she sees and the letters he writes her. She bases her love for him around her idea of what he must be like, only to finally meet him and discover he doesn't live up to her expectations. Furthermore, Bob is rather creeped out that Alice became so infatuated with him without them ever having met and backs off from her.
  • Reconstructed: Alice decides to tone down her behavior and get to know Bob as a person instead of an idealized image, adjusting her expectations to be more realistic, and although he is not exactly her perfect mate, they eventually fall for each other anyway.
