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Playing With / Loner-Turned-Friend

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Basic Trope: A character who was a loner becomes a part of a group.

  • Straight: Bob was an Ineffectual Loner until he joins the heroes.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob was so much of a loner that no one even wanted to be around him more than 2 seconds, but now, after meeting Sally and her pals, he became friends with literally all of the people in his city.
    • Bob, whose loneliness became to take a toll on his mental health as he started talking and laughing to himself, gets sick of his unhealthy, solitary life and decides to become part of several groups, online and in real life, all at once.
  • Downplayed:
    • Although Bob still prefers being alone, he frequently works with others during missions.
    • Bob is part of the group, but he never connects with or gets attached to his teammates. Bob is only there to attend group meetings, devise strategies, spar, and fight with them. He spends his time alone during non-working hours, rather than drinking or partying.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Bob was a friendly people person, but later becomes introverted and withdrawn from others.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob was enjoying his new-found friends, but later gets into a fight with Charlie and he goes on his own again.
    • Bob joined his friends, but later ditches the crew to fight all by himself again.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Bob becomes a goofy extrovert after listening Alice and her friends' silly friendship song.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob joins a group, but then goes off on his own until he comes back to their side, at least for now...
  • Averted: Bob remains an introverted loner.
  • Enforced:
    • "Bob is the most popular character of the series, even as a loner. Let's let him join the heroes!"
    • The writer wants to prove how having friends is better than solitude.
  • Lampshaded: "No more will I be a loner, because I've got my friends."
  • Invoked:
    • The heroes make a convincing friendship speech to win Bob over their side.
    • The heroes threaten to beat up Bob if he doesn't stop being a loner and get some friends.
  • Exploited: See "Invoked" 2. The group happens to be pragmatic and only wanted Bob to join them to advance their own personal goals.
  • Defied: "Sorry, but I'm not gonna become a part of your team. I Work Alone. Always."
  • Discussed: "I'm glad Bob finally learns that friends are important than being a weird loner guy."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • See "Exploited". Bob is abused by his new-found "friends" and is so depressed to leave their side completely.
    • It appears that Bob only wanted to make friends with people because he doesn't want to be scorned for being a loner and he knows deep down that he isn't happy with himself despite what others tell him otherwise; the more he stays with his "friends", the more he begins to miss his lonesome life.
    • Bob were to seem happy to be surrounded by his new friends until he becomes stressed out of their dependence on only him since they can't seem to solve their own problems.
    • Bob is so used to being alone that he is extremely awkward and anxious around his new friends. He mostly keeps to himself and the rest of the group still sees him as an outsider.
  • Reconstructed: Luckily for Bob, Alice is the only one who accepts Bob as a friend even when he's doesn't have to value a lot on being around people, and despite this, Bob lives a happier life whether society likes it or not.
  • Played For Drama: At first, Bob enjoyed being a loner but he quickly felt that his life was empty and boring, so he desperately tried to fill this void by making friends with anyone who was willing to accept him even if they were thugs or dangerous people. Eventually, befriending these crazy people ruined Bob's life even more and made him wish he never met them. Bob realizes, then, that he is back at square one and that maybe he is not destined to have true friends or belong anywhere, so he breaks down.

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