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Playing With / Little Dead Riding Hood

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Basic Trope: Young characters — often girls — wearing red are marked for danger.

  • Straight: The teenage Scarlet, dressed in a red coat, is murdered by a Serial Killer on her way home.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Scarlet is wearing a striking red necklace when she's attacked.
  • Justified: Scarlet's bright red clothes are conspicuous and she's small, weak, unarmed, and walking alone in a high-crime area.
  • Inverted:
    • The killer is wearing red.
    • Scarlet's Color Motif is red and, while the killer hurts her badly and kills all her friends, she's the only survivor.
    • Scarlet's Plot Armor is her lucky red coat.
    • Scarlet, the only victim, is the only character who wore a color other than red.
  • Subverted: Scarlet goes home alone, but despite her fear, nothing happens to her.
  • Double Subverted: The next time she puts on the red coat, she's killed.
  • Parodied:
    • Scarlet's red coat has a Starfleet logo on it to call to mind the Red Shirt trope.
    • Scarlet is red and is practically a magnet for unprovoked Assassination Attempts.
    • The Implacable Man Serial Killer pursuing Scarlet stops as soon as she takes off her red coat or yells at him that it's "dark orange."
    • Scarlet dies of a stroke while wearing her red coat. She had an unhealthy lifestyle including excessive smoking and drinking, but thanks to Insane Troll Logic, everyone chalks it up to that coat.
    • Scarlet only owns a red coat; she's not wearing it when she's killed, but, again thanks to Insane Troll Logic, everyone assumes she was killed because of her red coat.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Some characters who wear red are killed, some are attacked but survive, and some aren't attacked at all.
    • Scarlet wears her red coat one day and nothing bad happens to her. The next day she wears it, somebody attacks her but she's unharmed. This pattern repeats a nonzero number of times and she may not die violently.
    • Scarlet is killed and resurrected repeatedly while wearing her red coat.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: The work draws heavily from Little Red Riding Hood in terms of imagery.
  • Lampshaded: "You sure you'll be okay on the way home, Scarlet? Red's not really a lucky color..."
  • Invoked: The killer specifically targets girls in red.
  • Exploited: Scarlet's classmate Alice, who secretly hates her, gives her a red coat so that harm will come to her.
  • Defied:
    • Scarlet refuses to wear the red coat.
    • The killer avoids approaching girls in red after being badly hurt by one in a Noodle Incident.
  • Discussed: "You sure you'll be okay on the way home, Scarlet? In movies, girls who wear red tend to get in trouble..."
  • Conversed: "Hey, I'm worried about Scarlet in this film ... will she make it home okay? The narrator specifically noted she's wearing red..."
  • Implied: A young victim is shown to have been wearing something red.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
    • They learn how to defend themselves, or they avoid bad parts of town.
    • They buy as much in every other colour to make up for it.
  • Played for Laughs: Scarlet is attacked while wearing her red coat, but it's just her boyfriend Bob doing it as ridiculously as possible, and they have a good laugh about it afterwards.
  • Played for Drama: Scarlet puts on her nice red coat, then hears that this is a trope, which is Paranoia Fuel for her.
  • Played for Horror: See Exaggerated 1.

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