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Playing With / Leave Me Alone!

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Basic Trope: Characters dismiss others' offer to help them handle their issues.

  • Straight: Hiro rejects others' offer to help him defeat Emperor Evulz and his army.
  • Exaggerated: Hiro blatantly rejects anyone helping him to solve any issue he's having.
  • Downplayed: While Hiro appreciates his teammates' willingness to help him in his quest to defeat Evulz, he politely declines.
  • Justified:
    • Hiro believes that he's too good to let others help him.
    • Hiro feels that allowing others to help him would end up causing more problems.
    • Hiro is just a loner who isn't used to or isn't fond of working with others.
    • Hiro has severe self-esteem issues, and belives that if he doesn't do everything, he hasn't actually done anything; essentially feeling that accepting any kind of help would be akin to cheating.
  • Inverted:
    • Hiro wants others to help him fight off Evulz, but they refuse to help him.
    • Hiro wants to help others to fight off Evulz's army, but they decline his offer.
    • Others want Hiro's help to fight off Evulz' army, but he refuses and goes on his own business.
  • Subverted: Hiro leaves his teammates knowing that they will be needed in the village when Evulz sends his goons to destroy it...
  • Double Subverted: ...but wanting to go face off against Evulz himself in a one-on-one battle.
  • Parodied: Hiro won't let anyone help him with anything, whether it's fighting beside him against Emperor Evulz or passing the salt.
  • Zig Zagged: Depending on the severity of the battle, Hiro swings from rejecting others to help him to asking for their help.
  • Averted: Hiro accepts others to help him.
  • Enforced: "We need to make a lesson about accepting help from others."
  • Lampshaded: "You know that doing things by yourself will lead you in learning about The Power of Friendship, right?"
  • Invoked: "There's only one way to know if my allies are necessary to my cause: I have to fight Emperor Evulz without their help."
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz captures Hiro, knowing that Hiro will be too prideful to call for help.
  • Defied: Knowing the consequences of what will happen when he does things alone, Hiro allows others to help him out.
  • Discussed: "Hiro, you can't keep going off on your own like you always do. You're going to get hurt."
  • Conversed: "Why does Hiro insist on dealing with everything himself?"
  • Implied: Hiro's teammates wake up to find that Hiro and his belongings are gone.
  • Deconstructed: Hiro's insistence on fighting Evulz himself makes his best friend, Alice, feel insecure about her abilities and her worth in her best friend's eyes.
  • Reconstructed: Alice confronts Hiro on this, and he reassures her that he doesn't think she wouldn't be able to defeat Evulz; on the contrary, he faces off against Evulz alone because he doesn't want to risk the team losing such a valuable member as her. Alice feels better about herself as a result.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Hiro pushes his teammates away despite their insistence that he will face certain death. This warning actually reassures Hiro because he finally gets his chance to die heroically in battle.
    • Hiro's best friend Alice had to save herself from a traumatic situation as a child, so when Hiro refuses her offer of help (an offer she did not get when in need of it), she lashes out at him, calling him an ungrateful bastard.

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