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Playing With / Lactating Male

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Basic Trope: A male mammal who can produce milk.

  • Straight: Bob the farmer has a cow named Clyde, who he milks.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Clyde explodes from not being milked.
    • Clyde isn't even a mammal, but can somehow produce milk anyway.
  • Downplayed: Clyde can't produce as much milk as the female cows.
  • Justified: Clyde is diagnosed with galactorrhea.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob refers to Clyde as a "she".
    • Bob takes Clyde to the vet to find out why Clyde is producing milk, and the vet tells him that Clyde is actually a female.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But Alice tells Bob that Clyde is a "he".
    • Bob tells the vet that he knows Clyde is male since he's seen Clyde's genitalia, and points it out to the vet as evidence.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is frustrated that his cow Claire is unable to lactate.
    • Claire produces semen even though she's a female.
  • Parodied: Clyde drinks his own milk.
  • Zig-Zagged: The narrator calls an unnamed cow a "he" while Bob and Alice call it a "she", and after the cow is shown being milked, the narrator continues calling it a "he".
  • Averted: Nobody ever tries to milk Clyde and we have no idea whether he is producing milk or not.
  • Enforced: "Let's have this cow be named Clyde, but also have it be milked. Kids will probably just think 'Oh, so it's a girl cow.'"
  • Lampshaded: "Wow. I thought only female mammals could produce milk".
  • Invoked: Clyde asks a wizard for the ability to lactate.
  • Exploited:
    • Clyde disguises himself as a female cow by putting on fake eyelashes. When Bessie gets suspicious and asks him to prove he's a girl, he does so by squirting milk out of his udder.
    • Clyde adopts an orphaned calf and nurses the calf.
  • Defied: Bob tries to milk Clyde, but nothing comes out.
  • Discussed: Bessie and Clyde have a calf. Bessie sees the calf sucking on Clyde's udder and tells the calf it's a dry well.
  • Conversed: "Wait, is the farmer milking Clyde? I thought Clyde was supposed to be a male cow!"
  • Implied:
    • Bessie and Clyde have a calf. Bessie sees the calf sucking on Clyde's udder and tells Clyde the calf will stop when it realizes it's a dry well... only for Clyde tells her the calf likes it.
    • Clyde complains that he hasn't been milked in days and feels like he's going to explode.
    • The farmer walks over to Clyde. A transition happens and the farmer's bucket is now filled with milk.
  • Deconstructed: Biologists see Clyde being milked and capture him for scientific study.
  • Reconstructed: One of the scientists is who takes an interest in Clyde and treats him nicely and eventually sets him free.

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