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Playing With / Karmic STD

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Basic Trope: An evil character gets an STD.

  • Straight: Bob rapes Alice, and contracts gonorrhea.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Bob touches Alice in a perverted way, and contracts scabies.
  • Justified: Bob didn't and couldn't know that Alice had an STD.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob rapes Alice, which cures both his (and Alice's) STDs.
    • Bob helps Alice, and as a reward he's offered a medicine that will cure his STDs.
    • Bob becomes immune to STDs after having consensual sex with Alice.
  • Subverted: Bob rapes Alice, and contracts gonorrhea ... He was faking it.
  • Double Subverted: Then the next time he rapes Alice, he actually contracts gonorrhea.
  • Parodied: Bob brushes against Alice non-sexually, and gets pretty much every STD in the book.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob gets gonorrhea from raping Alice, and the doctor refuses to treat him ... until he holds a gun to the doctor's head. Fortunately Bob is arrested before the doctor can perform the treatment, and is put in prison ... where he can spread his STD to various criminal scumbags.
  • Averted:
    • Alice doesn't have an STD.
    • Bob doesn't rape Alice.
  • Enforced:
    • The writer believes Sex Is Evil.
    • "I don't think it's good enough that the rapist gets arrested for what he did. Since nothing in this script indicates contraceptives were used, it would really be undignified for him if violating that poor woman had the consequence of him catching something."
  • Lampshaded:
    [Ten years later]
    Bob: Why do I feel funny?
    Doctor: You have AIDS ... had sex lately?
    [Cue flashback to Bob raping Alice]
    Bob: Ummm...
  • Invoked: Alice, who has AIDS, forces herself on her abusive boyfriend Bob.
  • Exploited: Giving Bob AIDS is certainly a way to make him think about his actions, albeit an extreme one.
  • Defied:
    • Bob gives Alice a Truth Serum, and then asks her if she has any STDs.
    • Bob puts on a condom before he rapes Alice.
    • Alice fights Bob off when he tries to rape her.
  • Discussed: "I'd love to have her, but what if she's carrying an STD?"
  • Conversed: "And This Is the Part Where... it occurs to him that forcing himself on someone who didn't want to have sex with him was bad."
  • Deconstructed: Upon realizing he has AIDS, Bob becomes The Atoner and starts trying to get donations to help with the disease. Unfortunately for him, the townsfolk immediately recognize him, and believe he is only making it up so they'll feel sorry for him, despite his past crimes.
  • Reconstructed: Bob tries his absolute best to show the townsfolk that A: He's a good person now, and B: He really does have AIDS. He eventually succeeds, and starts managing his disease more effectively.

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