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Playing With / Juggling Loaded Guns

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  • Basic Trope: A character misuses a gun, and somebody ends up comically hurt.
  • Straight: Carl gets an Ash Face because he misused his gun.
  • Exaggerated: Carl misuses his gun and accidentally explodes a nuclear factory.
  • Downplayed: Carl misuses his gun, but he doesn’t get hurt.
  • Justified:
    • Carl misuses his gun because he is Too Dumb to Live.
    • Carl is in a cartoon, where toon physics happen.
  • Inverted: Carl uses his gun properly and doesn't get hurt.
  • Subverted: Carl misuses his gun, but everyone is still safe despite the panic attack.
  • Double Subverted: He still gets hurt after the next misuse.
  • Averted: Carl doesn't have a gun in his hand.
  • Lampshaded: "You didn't read the rules of gun safety, did you?"
  • Defied: Carl would rather use a gun properly than have someone get hurt.

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