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Playing With / Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence

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Basic Trope: An obstacle that's easy to cross or move in Real Life is impossible to cross or move in a video game.

  • Straight: Bob, the Player Character in Trope Quest, can't break open a locked door or jump over a fallen tree even though he can easily slay armored thugs and hike over mountains.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob's powers are at borderline Physical God levels, but he can't go over a one-way shallow ramp if he's already crossed it.
    • Bob can't walk across to the next town, because the grass is uneven.
    • Invisible Wall
  • Downplayed: Bob can cross such fences when he needs to, but otherwise he refuses to, to avoid causing property damage.
  • Justified:
    • Bob's powers only activate when fighting Emperor Evulz's henchmen, so they don't activate when he's exploring.
    • Bob is in a wheelchair, making him unable to get pass anything that requires climbing. However, he's trained to fight nonetheless.
    • Bob's first party member, Alice, notes that the tree isn't too wide to climb, and she is shown doing it. Alice's goading inspires Bob to try it, but the weight Bob carries instantly crushes the tree when he tries to stand on it. Both agree that it's for the best not to leave crushed obstacles everywhere.
    • The doors and trees are actually imbued with a magic spell like that of a force field; any incoming objects or entities are forced away from them.
    • The fence is a force field safety marker.
    • Bob can easily climb over the fence, but not without breaking the fine china he's transporting.
    • The sign said to not walk on the grass, and Bob is respectful of that.
    • Bob can easily pass the safety barriers, but that's a deep dig… better not risk it.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: At first, it appears that Bob can't go through locked doors, but once he gets the battering ram weapon, he can destroy any and all doors in his path.
  • Double Subverted: Cue tree stumps, traffic cones, shallow rivers, etc., blocking his way.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob can't even walk over a pebble.
    • One of the villains' attacks is to drop random garbage around to prevent people from chasing him.
    • Bob can go over very long distances or very tall prominences In a Single Bound and does so without a hint of fear ... but he becomes a weak, cowardly Manchild when confronted with a two-inch-by-one-inch crack or rift in the ground.
  • Zig-Zagged: A few obstacles are no problem for Bob to get past, but others he can't seem to cross whatsoever.
  • Averted: Bob can get by anything that would be easy to cross or move in real life.
  • Enforced: The game designers need some way to keep Bob from going where he's not supposed to go.
  • Lampshaded: "What do you mean you can't get over the fence, Bob? It's only, what, waist high?"
  • Invoked: Bob learned how to become a One-Man Army but thereby lost the opportunity to move efficiently.
  • Exploited: A bad guy puts a fence around Bob while he's sleeping, knowing he can't possibly get past it.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
    Bob: Before we go, I should explain that I have a Weaksauce Weakness.
    Alice: Let's hear it.
    Bob: I can't get over small obstacles like you and everybody else.
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Bob's inability to move over everyday objects in his path cripples his heroic efforts.
  • Reconstructed: Bob gets many superpowers to compensate for his inability.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob incurs Amusing Injuries from his failed attempts to climb a low fence.

We just have to get over this Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence to get back to ... uh oh.
