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Playing With / "I Am Great!" Song

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Basic Trope: A character in a musical sings of how wonderful they are.

  • Straight: Bob's introductory number has him sing a song about how he is the handsomest man in Troperia, is the best swordsman, and the smartest.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob sings that he is the best at everything, and proceeds to demonstrate so to the audience, winning a swordsmanship competition, wins a Nobel Prize for physics, and hooks up with the most beautiful chorine, all in the course of one song.
    • Bob sings his song in the middle of a homeless shelter, where everyone is miserable except for Bob.
    • Bob is a One-Scene Wonder and appears nowhere else in the musical.
  • Downplayed: Scrappy underdog Alice sings a song about how great she is to try to convince her coach to put her on the team.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is that awesome.
    • Bob only thinks he's that awesome.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob sings a song about how awful and lame he is.
    • Alice sings a song to Bob about how great he is.
  • Subverted: Bob starts to sing about all the wonderful things he is, but the chorus precedes to shut him up.
  • Double Subverted: Bob sings his "I Am Great!" Song over the chorus demanding his stopping.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Bob sings about how wonderful he is, but also about how he wants to help starving children in Africa... with his awesomeness.
  • Averted:
    • Bob doesn't sing a song.
    • Bob sings a song, but it doesn't cover how great he is.
  • Enforced: "Test audiences don't really like Bob, so let's give him a scene where he explains why they should. But to make it more dynamic, put it in a song."
  • Lampshaded: "I'm the most handsome man in the land, so I wrote a song about that fact."
  • Invoked: Bob asks Alice for songwriting inspiration. Knowing that Bob is self-centered, she suggests that he write about himself, and he does.
  • Exploited: Bob writes the song and has it played on the radio to improve his public image.
  • Defied: Bob's songs have to be reviewed and approved by Alice, his manager. She turns down any song that she deems too egotistical.
  • Discussed: "Wow, that Bob sounds pretty awesome!" "Of course! Have you heard his song?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is a Small Name, Big Ego who sings about how awesome he thinks he is. Everyone else thinks he's just being a twit.
    • Everyone believes Bob when he sings about how awesome he supposedly is — and then he winds up in a situation where he has to prove it. He quickly falls apart.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob sings about how he is the best at something soul-crushingly lame, like being the top computer solitaire player in the state.

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