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Playing With / Hormone-Addled Teenager

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Basic Trope: All teenagers—male and female—are complete and utter sex-fiends.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob are 14 and 16, respectively. Both are very lustful and are easily sexually aroused.
  • Exaggerated: Alice, Bob and all their friends are all sexually insatiable and will use any pretext, even the most ridiculous ones, to have sex with each other, in any combination imaginable.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob both grow interested in sexuality once becoming nubile but they don't make it the center of their lives.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob have always been taught that Sex Is Evil, to the point that their curiosity is tickled pink when they're presented with the possibility of discovering what it's really all about.
    • Alice and Bob both stumbled on a porn stash at a very young age, becoming each time more interested in sexuality, to the point of being utterly sex-crazed when they reach sexual maturity.
    • Reaching the onset of puberty starts to boost one's hormonal emotions and cause inappropriate desires.
  • Inverted:
    • No Hugging, No Kissing
    • Adults in the work are nonstop sex fiends, but the teens are chaste bordering on prudish.
  • Subverted: Alice and Bob run off together at odd times, are seen in unusual places, and disappear for hours at a time. Everyone thinks they have lots of sex, but they're actually members of La Résistance.
  • Double Subverted: …but when they're not training to topple the government, they're having sex. They're a bit of a Battle Couple.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice and Bob both turn into rutting pigs whenever they think about sex.
    • Alice and Bob immediately run to any conversation including the word "sex" with a perverted "Did someone say SEX? Where?"
  • Zig Zagged: One episode has Alice and Bob bonking like bunnies, but the next has them saving the world or starting their lifetime careers in a sensible way. Then, that evening, it's back to the bonking…
  • Averted: No Hugging, No Kissing
  • Enforced: The writer thinks that sex and attempting to have sex is good for Rule of Drama plots or Age-Appropriate Angst.
  • Lampshaded:
    • The teens (and everyone else) talk about their sexual relationships at unrealistic length and in shameless detail, perhaps in witty Buffy Speak.
    • "Shit. I'm turning 15 next month. I need to buy a stock of tissue boxes."
    • "I need to find a place to hide my vibrator…"
  • Invoked: A Party, Also Known as an Orgy
  • Exploited: Tony and Mary, both in their 30's, are Ephebophiles who both exploit the oversexed teenagers of the city to indulge in their penchants.
  • Defied: "Yeah, I know I should be a slut/pervert since I'm 15. But honestly, sex can wait."
  • Discussed: A teen's parents give them The Talk, which is shown at length, including some discussion as to how far this trope applies to them personally. Or a group of teens—or their parents—talk about sex and this trope in detail and analytically.
  • Deconstructed:
    • All the impulsive underage sex leads to a slew of Teen Pregnancy and venerial disease.
    • Because of this stereotype, rape among teens gets brushed off. The perpetrators get excused with "they're teens, they can't control themselves", while the victims are accused of wanting it deep down.
  • Reconstructed: Parents and teachers take sex education seriously, including talking about consent.

I'm a Hormone-Addled Teenager. I want to have sex. Like, now.
