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Playing With / Heir-In-Law

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Basic Trope: Someone inherits a title through their spouse.

  • Straight: Charlie becomes king of Troperia because his is married to Alice, King Bob the Nth's daughter.
    • David becomes king of Tropestan because he is married to King Bob the Nth's sister Emily.

  • Exaggerated: King Bob the Nth has sons who could inherit.
    • Troperia has had a female queen before.

  • Downplayed: Charlie and David are only kings because King Bob the Nth's dynasty is extinct.

  • Justified: Troperia/Tropestan is an Heir Club for Men.

  • Subverted: Charlie is named heir... but Alice usurps him.

  • Double Subverted: But Alice leaves the throne to her son-in-law.

  • Zigzagged: When King Bob the Nth dies, he leaves the throne to Alice. She has no children with Charlie, and when she dies, leaves the throne to him. But Charlie soon abdicates to his younger brother Fred. But when Fred dies the throne is usurped by Evil Princess Gabriella, who inflicts a Ruling Family Massacre.

  • Parodied:

  • Averted: King Bob the Nth names Alice heir of Troperia

  • Enforced: King Bob the Nth isn't shown to have any relatives, and Troperia still needs a monarch, however it was shown earlier to prohibit females ruling.

  • Lampshaded: Alice:'Why is Charlie heir instead of me?'

  • Invoked: Bob designates Charlie as his heir.

  • Exploited: Evil Princess Gabriella uses the fact that Charlie's claim to rule is based on marriage to win supporters.

  • Defied: Bob names someone else heir.

  • Conversed: 'Relatives by marriage get the throne a lot in Hollywood.'

  • Implied: Charlie's reign isn't shown much, but after Bob dies Charlie is seen in coronation regalia superior to Alice's, as is referred to as 'King'.

  • Deconstructed: Evil Princess Gabriella and several nobles revolt against Charlie due to his shaky claim on the throne.

  • Reconstructed: Charlie quells the rebellion.
