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Playing With / Grave Robbing

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Basic Trope: Exhuming a dead body to steals its contents or the body itself.

  • Straight: Neko the Graverobber steals a dead body from a catacomb.
  • Exaggerated: Neko brings a whole army of Graverobbers to rob every single dead body from the ancient tomb.
  • Downplayed: Neko steals only things of value like gold and jewels.
  • Justified:
    • Neko is an Archaeologist, this is her job to study the ancient humans.
    • Neko is a doctor and she's in dire need of organs for a surgery.
    • Neko is a Ghoul and she feeds on dead bodies.
    • Neko is a Necromancer, and she's in need of corpses to raise an undead army.
    • Neko loves dead bodies.
    • Neko plans on selling the body to a museum for anatomy.
    • Neko wants to resurrect her lover.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • Then Neko kills the body once again and robs him for good.
    • Neko decided to grabs those mincemeats away.
  • Parodied: Neko catches a dead rat from a graveyard to feed her pet cat.
  • Zig Zagged: Neko has a reputation for robbing graves, but he only robs graves that are richly decorated and even then is picky of what he takes.
  • Averted:
    • There is no dead body.
    • Neko is not a graverobber.
  • Enforced:
    • The creator wants to grant a Fate Worse than Death for the villains so they let Neko to do the job.
    • The creator wants to show where Neko The Necromancer obtained the corpses.
  • Lampshaded: "It stinks."
  • Invoked: Neko staged the other's death and gleefully robbed their corpses afterward.
  • Exploited: Bob faked his death in order to arrest Neko.
  • Defied: Bob outright cremated the dead bodies to prevent Neko from stealing them.
  • Discussed: "Neko, we're in need of organ donation, would you help me to find them from dead bodies?"
  • Conversed: "It's much more easier to rob you dead, I mean your body, not the other way around!"
  • Implied: Bob notices that Neko is covered with what seems to be grave dirt.
  • Deconstructed: Neko was prepared to rob a grave site and the dead corpse of her friend, but as the night dragged on, she was besieged by an increased sense of paranoia and dread at what she was doing. When she stared into the dead rotting corpse of the deceased she was mortified and in a panic she left the tomb exposed and damaged.
  • Reconstructed: After calming down, Neko returns to the ruined grave site and she decides just to take the ring from her friend's dead body, deciding that a dead corpse is too grotesque and cumbersome to carry. She then proceeds to restore the grave site to its original state as best she can, recognizing that a grave should never be desecrated.

Back to Grave Robbing, are you a cleric or something? Cause if yes, it'd be much more easier to rob you dead!
