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Playing With / Graduation for Everyone

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Basic Trope: Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Everyone in a class graduates, no matter what.

  • Straight: Bob gets a diploma, despite failing or barely passing most of his classes.
  • Exaggerated: The entire class is full of students who are Book Dumb, abusing drugs, frequently absent from school, and/or already getting married or having babies (or both), and yet everyone graduates.
  • Downplayed: The teacher scales a test or grades it on a curve, so while Bob's 65% average would normally be a D-minus, it works out to a B-minus.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • The school has a remedial program, or a special program for students who are struggling with things like Teen Pregnancy.
    • Bob won't be able to attend graduation because of his poor grades.
    • Bob drops out or is expelled from his school because of his grades.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The special programs are even easier than the regular coursework, so many students graduate who normally wouldn't.
    • Bob can go to summer school, or Cram School, or (if it's college) take another semester's worth of classes. He does and he gets his diploma in the mail.
    • Bob passes his final exam, or get some kind of extra credit that brings his F up to a D-minus, allowing him to pass.
    • Bob takes (and passes) a GED exam.
    • Bob can get an entry-level job and work his way up in the company despite lacking a diploma.
    • Bob goes Back to School later in life and manages to pass with flying colors.
  • Parodied: The yearbook lists Bob as "Most Likely to Receive an Award for Participation."
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Several students who are on the border between failing and graduating end up on each side.
    • Bob himself studies hard in the subject(s) he's most in danger of failing, and improves — but because he didn't plan properly he falls as far behind in others.
  • Averted:
    • Bob is not enrolled in school in the first place.
    • Bob drops out or is expelled from the institution.
  • Enforced: A social commentary on the "Everyone Gets a Trophy!" generation.
  • Lampshaded: "Passing High School is a piece of cake! All you have to do is show up!"
  • Invoked: Bob enters a remedial program.
  • Exploited: The school board (or whoever's in charge) threatens to cut funding if more students don't pass.
  • Defied:
    • Bob works hard (seeing as this is his last chance), and it's clear that he must do more than just show up.
    • Bob's parents receive a letter saying that if Bob's grades don't improve, he will not be able to graduate.
  • Discussed: "So, Bob's graduating with us after all..."
  • Conversed: "Kids these days! Always expecting something for nothing! When I was Bob's age..."
  • Deconstructed: Because the school Bob attends does not properly assess kids with failing grades, many of the graduates end up performing worse in society than dropouts.
    • Alternatively, Bob graduating with low grades make him question his future as an adult.
  • Played for Drama: See Deconstructed #2.
  • Played for Laughs: Non-graduates get to attend the graduation ceremony but not to receive their diplomas. They and/or others make jokes at their expense.

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