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Playing With / Good Parents

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Basic Trope: Parents are good to their children.

  • Straight: Carl's mom Alice and dad Bob are loving and compassionate towards him.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Carl's parents are strict, but treat him well at the end of the day.
    • Or Carl's parents are Jerks With A Heart Of Gold.
    • Carl's mother is very loving to him, but his father is a douche.
    • Or Carl's father is a positive role model who's a caring parent towards him, while his mother is anything but a loving mom.
  • Justified:
    • Carl's parents are good people who want to do the best for their son.
    • One or both of Carl's parents had terrible parents growing up, and they swore to never be like them.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Carl's mom and dad were so kind until they later act so abusive towards him.
    • Carl always talks about how great his parents are, but the more his parents are shown, the more apparent it becomes that they are actually abusive towards him.
    • Carl's parents are very loving towards him...but not to his siblings.
  • Double Subverted: But this treatment was to make him a better person. They soon drop the act when he improves.
  • Parodied: Carl's parents are Stupid Good.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Carl's parents are benevolent, sometimes they're nasty; their intelligence also varies, and his mother and father don't necessarily act the same way on the same day.
  • Averted:
    • Carl's parents neither love nor hate him.
    • Carl is an orphan who never met his parents.
  • Enforced: The author loved his parents and wanted to make parent characters for the hero as a tribute to them.
  • Lampshaded: "My parents are awesome!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Carl's parents are good but dumb and Carl takes advantage of this to get away with all kinds of dangerous stunts.
  • Defied: "Treat our kids right? Hell no! I'm not gonna be nice to the little brat who ruined our life the day it came out of my wife's womb!"
  • Discussed: "I wish my parents were like Carl's."
  • Conversed: "Troperville has way better parents than my parents."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice and Bob are loving parents, but Carl is a horrible person. They try their best to remain good to him despite this, but they eventually snap and become Abusive Parents.
    • Alice and Bob are Pushover Parents, and as a result Carl doesn't learn that his actions have consequences.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Carl's parents becoming very abusive because of his awful behavior causes reality to hit him like a truck full of bricks. He improves his ways, and Carl's parents are once again loving. A life without friends is a depressing one indeed.
    • Alice and Bob eventually put their feet down, to Carl's surprise. They remain loving parents, albeit more strict, so that Carl knows right from wrong.

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