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Playing With / Gay Euphemism

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Basic Trope: Characters use euphemisms to avoid directly using homosexuality-related terms.

  • Straight: Bob and his friends are talking about a gay character, and describe him as "that way."
  • Exaggerated: Absurd euphemisms are used, such as "likes to wear pink."
  • Downplayed: It's worded in a way that makes it clear what it's referring to.
  • Justified: The work in question takes place (or was produced) in a time where gay terms were taboo.
  • Subverted: Immediately when it looks like they're going to use a euphemism, the character uses an actual term.
  • Double Subverted: ??
  • Inverted: Characters use homosexuality-related terms, which are somehow lost on the listener.
  • Zig-Zagged: ??
  • Lampshaded: ??
  • Averted: Free and unrestricted usage of homosexuality-related terms is the norm.

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