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Playing With / Gamer Chick

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Basic Trope: A girl who's into (and generally very good at) videogames.

  • Straight: Alice defeats Adrian and Bob in video games.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice defeats Adrian and Charlie within two seconds.
    • Alice defeats every single boy that plays against her, including the top professional players who play the game competitively for a living, despite never having played a video game before in her life.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice and Bob played 100 matches. Alice "only" won 57 of them.
    • Alice wins narrowly against Bob.
    • Alice defeats Adrian, Bob and Charlie, but David ultimately defeats her in the end.
    • Alice loves certain types of "smaller" games – such as mobile games and visual novels – but doesn't know much about bigger ones.
  • Justified:
    • Alice plays a video game for longer and/or more often than Bob.
    • Bob is too dumb to play video games well.
    • Alice has been teased by male gamers, so she compensates by practicing as much as possible in order to toughen up, even more so than the boys or men themselves.
    • Alice's family, Mother Charlotte, Father Daniel and Older Brother Eric, are amazing gamers themselves. And she wanted to become like them.
  • Inverted: Everytime Alice plays a videogame, she either throws in the towel immediatley after seeing a gamer that's played said game before or gets curbstomped by even most begginers. She's that bad at them.
  • Gender-Inverted: Bob defeats all the gamer girls he plays against.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • ....And then Alice pulls a reversal of her own, scoring a crushing victory on him.
    • Bob replies to Charlie's accusations: "I know! We both are playing with cheat codes on! We use the same cheat codes, and she still defeats me, no matter what."
    • Alice improves her gaming skills through practice and eventually defeats Bob in a rematch.
    • Alice takes the loss in stride and refines her own game to be able to counter Adrian's different style of play. They later have a rematch and Alice wins.
    • With practice comes learned skill, and Alice becomes good at them.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Alice defeats Bob in Tropestan RPG, in Tropers Fighting and Tropestan Hack and Slash, but Bob defeats Alice in Trope Gamebreaking Out and Tropestan Canoe-Polo.
  • Averted:
    • Bob and Alice didn't play a video game. They played a board game.
    • Bob plays video games only with Adrian and Charlie.
    • Alice plays video games only with Brenda and Carole.
  • Enforced: The author herself is a gamer-chick.
  • Lampshaded: "You're quite good at video games! ...For a girl."
  • Invoked: Alice is an Attention Whore who claims to be a big fan of anything that happens to be chic at the moment.
  • Exploited:
    • Bob knows that Alice is unbeatable at video games. He makes a bet with Charlie, knowing that he doesn't have a chance of winning against her.
    • Bob decides to start a competitive gaming team, and being extremely Genre Savvy he makes sure to recruit a girl who has never touched a video game before in her life. Before every match, he lies and says that he overheard the other team saying that girls are no good at video games, because he knows how this trope works. The other members are just for show, his entire strategy hinges on the girl beating every team they go up against all by herself.
  • Defied:
    • Alice refuses to play with boys because "It's rubbish to always win."
    • Bob refuses to play with Alice because "It's rubbish to always lose."
    • Bob starts practicing in order to defeat Alice.
    • Bob invites Freddy, a distant cousin, to play against Alice. He's a videogame champion, and widedly regarded as unbeatable. (Bonus points if Alice manages to defeat him, anyway!)
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: We see Alice's home for the first time and there's a video game console set up. Alice doesn't have any brothers; her father (if she's still living with her parents) doesn't play, either.
  • Deconstructed: Alice faces discrimination from her male peers due to accusations that she's a "fake geek girl" despite that not being the case.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alice proves them wrong by beating all of them in a fighting game.
    • Alice ultimately decides the guys looking down on her can go suck it while she finds other gamers who don't do that and will stand up with her to hang out with.
    • Alice uses their blindness stemming from their own haughtiness to beat and humiliate them again and again in public tournaments.

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