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Playing With / Fell Off the Back of a Truck

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Basic Trope: A quick explanation for illegally obtaining something.

  • Straight: Alice asks Bob where he got that Briefcase Full of Money. Bob says he saw it fall off a truck.
  • Exaggerated: Alice sees that Bob's swimming pool is loaded with money. Bob says a truck holding it crashed.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob shows Alice an envelope of money that he says he found in the park.
    • The goods did fall off the truck, but when the trucker came back for the missing goods, Bob lies and says he never saw them.
  • Justified: Bob really did see the briefcase fall off the back of a truck and no one saw him pick it up.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Bob tells the truth to Alice — he got the money dealing drugs.
    • "It fell off the truck... when my buddy kicked it off".
  • Double Subverted: ...but this particular briefcase fell off the back of a truck.
  • Parodied:
  • Implied: Bob is mentioned repeatedly to be very deep in the red, but when Alice goes to his house to deliver some food, she finds him playing games on a top-of-the-line Playstation.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob has multiple briefcases obtained in many ways. He tells the truth about some, lies about others but some of them even turn out to be empty.
  • Averted: Bob doesn't obtain the briefcase or there is no truck.
  • Enforced:
    • As part of an Easy Come, Easy Go storyline. Bob must somehow lose the briefcase as easily as he obtained it.
    • Bob is a superhero who has access to certain gadgets that are too expensive even if he is supposed to not be part of the Fiction 500, so the writers decide to add that he "just happened to find“ said expensive gadgets.
  • Lampshaded: "Yeah, Bob, who's really going to buy that excuse?"
  • Invoked: A truck driver holding briefcases of money decides to test out some speed bumps.
  • Exploited: Alice asks Bob for some hush money from the briefcase to keep quiet about his acquisition.
  • Defied: Bob turns down the briefcase, thinking no one would buy his excuse.
  • Discussed: Bob works for the mafia whose boss tells Bob to fabricate a lie about the briefcase.
  • Conversed: "There's no way Bob can rationally cover for that Briefcase Full of Money. Watch him lie about it."
  • Deconstructed: Nobody buys Bob's lies of how he got the Briefcase Full of Money, back of a truck or otherwise, and the police arrest him for his troubles.
  • Reconstructed: But security camera shows that Bob did get the Briefcase Full of Money, which did fall from the back of a truck. This prompts the police to pardon him for his honesty.
  • Played For Laughs:
  • Played For Drama: Bob knows that his excuse is not believable, it's a code for "I acquired it illegally" without admitting anything, as well as an implied threat to anyone who wishes to inquire further.
  • Played For Horror:

I found the back button when it Fell Off the Back of a Truck.
