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Playing With / Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon

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Basic Trope: An evil person (or amoral at best) looks beautiful/adorable.

  • Straight: Zoe is cute as a button, which is convenient for hiding her true nature as a ruthless murderer and torturer.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Zoe's a Shapeshifter who takes a form that would put her beneath suspicion.
    • Zoe is a cynical pragmatist who can pass for cute and perky if she so desires, therefore presenting as such in her civilian identity. Most people only see the cinnamon roll, not the serpent beneath.
    • Zoe's a Fallen Angel. note 
    • Zoe was taken advantage of due to her beautiful looks in the past and has become selfish and ruthless in the present.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Evidence from a murder seems to point at Zoe, an extremely charming young lady, but it turns out she was framed.
  • Double Subverted: However, it becomes apparent that Zoe talked the true murderer into committing the deed, and has been doing this with many different people for quite some time now.
  • Parodied: Zoe describes what she's going to do to the heroes in hideously explicit, graphic, gory detail, but keeps getting interrupted by acute Baby Talk.
  • Zig-Zagged: Pretty young Zoe is initially the culprit for a murder, but mounting evidence implicates another person. However, the investigators happen to find out she's a heartless bully who enjoys tormenting her frailer peers.
  • Averted: Zoe isn't evil or/nor cute.
  • Enforced: "We need to have a villain who isn't obvious. The adorable little girl is our best option, really."
  • Lampshaded: "Anyone want to explain to me why the sadistic maniac looks like Shirley Temple?"
  • Invoked: Lord Evulz recruits and trains women that perpetually look like cute little girls as his assassins or Elite Mooks so they are always Beneath Suspicion.
  • Exploited: Zoe uses the fact that she looks so innocent to avoid suspicion.
  • Defied: Zoe takes joy in the suffering of others, but recognizes that her attitude is dangerous and seeks for The Shrink to get mental help.
  • Discussed: "Our sweet little Zoe... who could ever think that she might be such a ruthless criminal?"
  • Conversed: "In the past, you could never trust the ugly ones. Now you can never trust the cute ones."

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