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Playing With / Endearingly Dorky

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Basic Trope: A character's awkwardness brings out positive feelings in others.

  • Straight: Jesse is a really nerdy adult, especially about stuff from the decade he grew up in, and people around him find it cute.
  • Exaggerated: Nerds Are Sexy
  • Downplayed: Jesse is a nerd and people tolerate him.
  • Justified: Jesse is both cute and dorky, the latter complementing the other nicely.
  • Inverted: Jesse's awkwardness causes others to view him as a freak.
  • Subverted: The supposedly positive feelings are later revealed to just be people mocking him.
  • Double Subverted: ...Or so Jesse thought.
  • Parodied: Jesse is a dork and people around him treat him more like a cute animal
  • Zig-Zagged: Some people are charmed by Jesse's awkward nerdiness, others aren't.
  • Averted: People don't find Jesse's awkwardness cute or annoying
  • Enforced: Writers are sick of having dorks be bullied or be bullies, so they want a character who's neither and is instead really endearing.
  • Lampshaded: "Why are the nerdy ones always the cutest?"
  • Invoked: Jesse intentionally acts like a dork so people will find him cute
  • Exploited: Due to his shyness and nerdy appearance, most people assume that Jesse is harmless, when in reality he's a Badass Bookworm. Jesse has no problem with this, and uses it to his advantage when he has to fight.
  • Defied: ???

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