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Playing With / Eat Dirt, Cheap

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Basic Trope: A character or species eats earthen materials for most of their diet.

  • Straight: Larry eats mostly dirt.
  • Exaggerated: Larry is completely unable to digest anything besides dirt, rocks, and the like.
  • Downplayed: Larry is capable of eating dirt — it isn't very nutritious or tasty but it is capable of keeping him alive.
  • Justified:
    • Larry is part of a species with very basic nutritional needs; all of their nutrients can be found in dirt, so they eat that, which is far easier to come across.
    • His nutritional needs are very mineral-heavy; not all of the necessary minerals can be found in organic matter, and he requires none of the vitamins present in it.
    • Larry lives on a planet with bizarre geology that results in dirt having all of the necessary nutrients for humans with few dangers.
  • Inverted:
    • Larry is completely unable to eat anything earthen, even if it's just a speck or two of dirt in his salad.
    • A Rock Monster eats Larry.
  • Subverted: Larry eagerly digs in to a plate of dirt, rocks, and gems, but spits it all out right away.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Because the dirt, rocks and gems were all the wrong kind.
    • Because they are chocolate and candies that look like dirt, rocks and gems.
  • Parodied: When a rockslide comes between Larry and his party, he hungrily pulls out a knife and fork.
  • Zig Zagged: Larry sometimes eats dirt and sometimes eats plants and meat.
  • Averted: Larry has a normal diet.
  • Enforced: "The rock guy! Make him eat rocks!"
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Is it normal for a guy to guzzle down dirt like that?"
    • "I have never heard a crunch like that before, and I hope to God I never hear one like it again..."
    • "I've heard of rock candy, but this is ridiculous!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: "No, I do not eat rocks! Why do you humans always jump to conclusions about the stone people?"
  • Discussed: "Mmm, these rocks are DELICIOUS! Igneous, if I may ask? Best kind".
  • Conversed: "Did that guy a rock?!"
  • Deconstructed: Larry eats dirt, but because he is delusional and thinks it's real food.
    • Larry's species diet consists of valuable minerals with industrial applications. An entire species of mineral eaters would face potential shortages later on.
  • Reconstructed: It wasn't really dirt; it was crushed up cookies and chocolate chips for a prank.
  • Implied: Someone gives Larry a box of dirt as a birthday prank. Larry acts like it's a real gift and licks his lips when seeing it.
  • Played For Drama: Larry has pika, and is psychologically compelled to eat dirt.

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