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Playing With / Diner Brawl

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Basic Trope: A fight scene that takes place in a diner or restaurant.

  • Straight: Bob bullies Alice as she's eating dinner so she takes a break from her meal to deliver a beating.
  • Exaggerated: During their scuffle, they bump into a surly customer, spilling the contents of his plate on his lap. This leads him to join the fray, which leads to more and more customers joining in until the entire diner is in the fight.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob get into a shoving match in the diner, but it doesn't get much farther than that.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is a cop who has just found Alice in a diner. Alice is a fugitive criminal and she must be arrested.
    • Bob has a bad temper and Alice got his order wrong, so he decides to attack her.
  • Inverted: The fight actually happens outside the diner while customers casually continue eating inside.
  • Subverted: Bob throws Alice outside the diner and they start fighting, eventually falling back inside the doors where they calm down and decide to share a meal together.
  • Double Subverted: ...Only to argue over who gets the bill and start fighting again.
  • Parodied: Customer Charlie complains about his meal, only for the chef to come out and attack him.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob and Alice get in a fight at the diner but the owner angrily kicks them out. They stop fighting and leave without ever having a meal. They both decide on another diner to eat at, only for them to start fighting again once they get inside.
  • Averted: Bob and Alice get in a heated argument over lunch but calm down before any punches are thrown.
  • Enforced: It's a themed diner. "If you eat, you gotta fight at Punchy's Grill."
  • Lampshaded: The owner of a sleazy truck stop complains that the customers always get into fights just as two truckers start clobbering each other.
  • Invoked: Bob starts a fight so he can skip out on the check during the chaos.
  • Exploited: In a game, the combat system consists of taking part in Bar Brawl after Bar Brawl and little or nothing else.
  • Defied: The owner of the diner is a former marine and no one is dumb enough to cause trouble there.
  • Discussed: "What is it about greasy diners that get people so aggressive?"
  • Conversed: Bob and Alice have a conversation about the number of fights they have seen in diners on TV.
  • Implied:
    • Charlie mentions he owns a diner in a really bad part of town and mentions he "has to get rough sometimes" with customers.
    • Multiple police vans filled with arrestees are seen departing from the diner.
  • Deconstructed: Bob and Alice get into a fight in a diner and the cops are immediately called.
  • Reconstructed: When the cops show up, they argue about a pair of lost handcuffs and start fighting inside the diner.
  • Played for Laughs: A Food Fight quickly escalates into a goofy punch-up.
  • Played for Drama: Someone dies in the fight.

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