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Playing With / Deadly Prank

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Basic Trope: A prank has serious, often fatal, consequences.

  • Straight: As a joke, Daniel puts peanuts in Paige's cupcake to see how she'll react. He doesn't know that she's allergic to peanuts, and she dies of an allergic reaction.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Daniel throws a Banana Peel on the ground, hoping to make Paige fall. She does step on it and fall. She suffers a minor injury from which she fully recovers, but it takes her a long time to forgive Daniel.
  • Justified:
    • Daniel didn't know Paige was allergic to peanuts because he barely knew her and he wasn't present when she informed the others about it.
    • Daniel knew full well that Paige is very allergic to peanuts and wanted to kill her, as Daniel is a psychopath who derives amusement from killing people.
    • Daniel's prank is a Rage Breaking Point that has been telegraphed well in advance. The enraged person has a well-known history of violent retaliation, just like Daniel has been demonstrated to be Too Dumb to Live.
  • Inverted:
    • Daniel thinks Paige is allergic to peanuts and puts some in her cupcake in an attempt to kill her. However, Paige isn't allergic to peanuts and thinks he did it as a joke.
    • Daniel had killed Paige by accident in the past, but he then performs a prank on someone he doesn't realize is a wandering time-traveler—the effects of his pranks cause the time traveler to negate the events that caused Paige's death to begin with.
    • Daniel's prank is never lethal or even humiliating. It's a little thing like a whoopee cushion. Paige kills him for it.
    • Paige enjoys the peanuts, and wants another cupcake.
    • The prank was a Lifesaving Misfortune for Paige (the cupcake had the Improbable Antidote for a virus that starts a Zombie Apocalypse, going to the medic to get herself checked after her allergy acted up prevented her from ending victim to a tornado/plane crash, etc.)
  • Subverted:
    • Paige starts having an allergic reaction, but her mother will get her to an emergency room in time to save her life.
    • It wasn't a prank after all- it was an intended murder.
  • Double Subverted: However, her mother slips and falls on Daniel's Banana Peel. She cracks her skull and dies after an ugly landing on the floor, and Paige doesn't make it either.
  • Parodied: Daniel stabs Paige with an Enchanted Dagger of Peanuts, prevents her mother from going to the emergency room with a banana peel, and when questioned by authorities, he responds: "just a prank brah", and struts off, scott free.
  • Zig Zagged: Daniel puts peanuts in Paige's cupcake and she seems to have an allergic reaction. However, she was just faking it to scare Daniel. As revenge, Daniel throws a Banana Peel on the ground. Paige dodges it, but falls off of a cliff while dodging it.
  • Averted: Daniel puts peanuts in Paige's cupcake. She isn't allergic and ends up mildly annoyed.
  • Enforced: Meddling executives demand an Anvilicious Can't Get Away with Nuthin' message.
  • Lampshaded: "I just wanted to prank her! I never wanted her to die!"
  • Invoked: Charles knows that Daniel doesn't know about Paige's peanut allergy, and anonymously convinces him to put peanuts in Paige's food. That way, he can kill Paige indirectly and avoid the blame.
  • Exploited: Elise, who holds a grudge against Daniel, tries to convince others that Paige's death was no accident.
  • Defied: Daniel considers putting peanuts in Paige's food, but finds out whether she's allergic to peanuts beforehand just in case.
  • Discussed: "Daniel claims it was just a prank gone wrong, but I don't trust him because he had a grudge against Paige."
  • Conversed: "So she died because he put peanuts in her food because he didn't know she was allergic. Why didn't he know? Why didn't she tell? Why didn't she find out before she ate it?"
  • Implied: People say Paige's death was caused by a "prank gone horribly wrong", but we never get to know.
  • Deconstructed: Daniel has trouble living with the guilt of having caused Paige's death, which is not made easier by the fact that he gets ostracized from the community.
  • Reconstructed: It's a particularly karmic way for Evulz to die. Daniel may still be ostracized by those who wanted to defeat Evulz in a more conventional, "honorable" way, but the ones who just wanted him to stop being a blight upon the world are okay with it and may even find it funny.
  • Played For Laughs: Paige often dies in pranks that go awry, only to reappear in the next episode without an explanation.
  • Played For Drama: Paige's family can't handle what happened to her, and they seek revenge against Daniel, who struggles to make the world understand that the death was an accident.
  • Played For Horror: What happens to Paige as a result of the prank is the kind of horrifying destruction to body and mind that usually is the backstory for slasher films... you can guess what happens to Daniel a little while later...

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