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Playing With / Date Rape Averted

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Basic Trope: An (often female) character's date attempts to rape her, but the deed is stopped by either the girl's father or another boy.

  • Straight: Charlie tries to rape Alice, but Bob kicks his ass before he can do so.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Bob is a supernatural guardian - Charlie had no idea that trying to rape Alice was essentially Mugging the Monster.
  • Inverted: Alice manages to escape from Charlie but runs into his partner in crime Bob.
  • Subverted:
    • Charlie tries to rape Alice, but Bob stops him from doing so and rapes Alice instead.
    • Bob stops Charlie from raping Alice, only to find out that it's her kink.
    • Bob also rapes her at the same time.
    • Alice and Charlie and are engaging in consensual roleplay, and Bob is part of the roleplay.
  • Double Subverted: But Darlene beats Bob up before he could do it.
  • Parodied: Bob rushes to the aid at the sounds of this and it turns out Charlie just set up the date to pester Alice into joining the Church of Happyology.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob storms in to stop Charlie from raping Alice, only for Alice to tell him nothing's wrong. Then Charlie cries for help to stop Alice from raping him. Darlene shows up and saves him and then Bob comes in, sees Darlene trying to rape both Alice and Charlie and stops her.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: "We need to start off Bob and Alice's relationship! A nice rescue from that dirty ole Charlie should do the trick!"
  • Lampshaded:
    • Alice: "I should have known he'd try something".
    • Or, Alice to Charlie: "You should have known it would end like this".
  • Invoked: Bob: "You were in the car on the first date with him. It's such a cliché I followed because a guy like him trying something is a given".
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Alice always keeps her foot near her date's balls just in case he gets any ideas.
  • Discussed: "Alice is going on a date with Charlie? Maybe I should follow them, just in case. And bring my baseball bat, just in case".
  • Conversed: "Dude, relax... her best friend always comes and saves her in scenes like this".
  • Deconstructed:
    • Due to abuse in her life, Alice seeks out abusive men and is prepared to endure sexual abuse at the hands of Charlie because she thinks it's all she deserves.
    • Charlie took precautions to avoid interruption.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob genuinely cares for Alice, and by saving her from Charlie, he helps her to discover his love for her and her value as a person.
    • But Bob still stops him and makes this trope a Moment of Awesome.

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