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Playing With / Creepy Cemetery

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Basic Trope: A cemetery is filled with some form of supernatural beings.

  • Straight: When Alice and her True Companions are dared to venture into the local cemetery they find it's full of the ghosts of the people buried here.
  • Exaggerated: The cemetery is full of creatures they've never seen before, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, a witch and even some gargoyles.
  • Downplayed: There are a few ghosts around, but that's just about it.
  • Justified:
    • The grounds of the cemetery are cursed to prevent anyone who's buried here from resting in peace.
    • The spirits here can't go to the afterlife because they have Unfinished Business related to their lives.
    • The graveyard is considered to be a hub for the supernatural to rest and hide from humanity.
    • This cemetery brings back some of its deseaced to act as guardians for whose who are still alive.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice and her friends are surprised to find the cemetery is full of other people like them.
    • Alice is a ghost and goes to visit a cemetery.
  • Subverted:
    • When Alice begins seeing the ghosts around them she asks the others if they do too... and to her surprise they don't.
    • The group are scared by the spirits until Dylan realizes they're just holoprojections.
    • The group expects to see monsters, but are suprised to see it's just other people...
    • The ghosts aren't seen until after they exit the cemetery.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Of course Alice is a seer, so it makes sense why her normal friends can't.
    • Alternately they don't believe her until a ghoul begins to crawl out of the ground.
    • Believing that troublemaker Joseph is around he gets shocked when he sees his dead body and spirit confronted by others.
    • ...who lost their humanity by The Virus and have gained other, monstrous forms as a result.
    • They are from there however, and try to herd the group back in.
  • Parodied: The moment Alice leads her group past the gates the ghosts there start performing a musical number called "Yes, it's Haunted."
  • Zigzagged: When Alice and her friends enter they don't see any ghosts. Upon getting farther in however Angie claims to have seen something mostrous... their frenemy Joesph in a spooky disguise. However they sudenly witnessed him getting killed by seemingly natural circumstances, however Alice see his spirit released form his body...
  • Averted: The graveyard lacked any inhuman entities.
  • Enforced: "What do you need we have the characters visit the graveyard and not see any monsters or ghouls there on the Halloween Episode? That's a wasted oppotunity!"
  • Lampshaded:
    Davie: "Oh of course, there's ghosts in the graveyard- why else wouldn't there be ghosts in the graveyard?"
  • Invoked: A considerant witch made this place enchanted so ghosts and other supernaturals could use it as shelter to hide it from horror fanatics.
  • Exploited: Brutus always wanted to kill Crymson and Charlie, and what better wait to do it than in a haunted cemetery where horrid monsters were to take the fall for him?
  • Defied: The graveyard is constantly guarded by monsters and exorcists, so there no way they can go there.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
    Pam: "Oh no, the graveyard is a monster's territory! What will the heroes do?"
    Robert: "Babe, relax, they've all got Plot Armor thicker than bread... except Joesph, but he'll still be back somehow.
  • Played for Laughs: The ghosts were all mischievous in their life, so they play pranks on the cast until they figured out what's going on.
  • Played for Drama: One of the ghosts they see is of Callum, an old friend of theirs and Alice's Lost Lenore.
