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Playing With / Constantly Lactating Cow

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Basic Trope: Cows and other livestock in fiction can always be milked.

  • Straight: Bessie the Cow can always be milked.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bessie can even be milked when she's sick, old, or starving.
    • Even if Bessie is constantly milked 24/7, she never runs out of milk.
  • Downplayed: Bessie produces only a little milk before she gives birth, then she starts producing a lot.
  • Justified: Bessie is the result of selective breeding.
  • Inverted: Bessie cannot be milked even after she gives birth to a calf.
  • Subverted: Bessie the cow stops producing milk and needs to be impregnated by Charlie the Bull to start producing it again.
  • Double Subverted: Charlie mates with Bessie but for whatever reason Bessie does not become impregnated. She can still produce milk after the act.
  • Parodied:
    • Bessie drinks her own milk.
    • Bessie is literally constantly lactating and she eventually floods the barn with her milk.
    • Bessie turns out to be Bertie the Bull... and he can still produce milk.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some cows are always available to milk, while others can only be milked after having a calf.
  • Averted: Nobody ever tries to milk Bessie and we have no idea whether she is producing milk or not.
  • Enforced: "How about we have Bessie be milked, to teach young children where milk comes from?"
  • Lampshaded: "Wow. I always thought to produce milk a cow has to have a calf first."
  • Invoked: The farmer injects Bessie with a hormone that causes her to produce milk.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Bessie wishes on a shooting star that she would stop producing milk all the time and her wish comes true.
  • Discussed: "We got a new cow. What should we name her? How about... Bessie?" "Actually, I think it's a boy cow. I tried to milk it and nothing came out."
  • Conversed: "What is it with cartoon cows and milk?"
  • Implied: The farmer constantly milks Bessie but there is no bull in sight.

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