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Playing With / Come Back, My Pet!

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Basic Trope: Someone gets mad at, and tries to replace, their pet after the pet messes up, but then the owner gets in danger, the pet saves them, and the original pet comes back.

  • Straight: Alice has a dog named Bob. Unfortunately, Bob rips up the shoes of Alice's Mean Boss, which gets her fired. Alice angrily puts Bob up for adoption and adopts a new dog, Carrie, who doesn't chew shoes. However, Alice gets kidnapped by Professor Doom and Bob, who Professor Doom adopted to be his sidekick, saves Alice, who instantly apologises and lets him stay with her.
  • Exaggerated: Alice throws Bob out of the house solely because he ate the last slice of pizza, then buys Carrie. Professor Doom then outright goes back in time to try and prevent Alice's birth and Bob saves the day, so Alice forgives him.
  • Downplayed: Alice doesn't try to replace Bob but rather wants him to live outside in a kennel, while allowing Carrie to be inside. Then, Bob doesn't save Alice but he does prevent her from slipping on a Banana Peel, which leads to Alice forgiving Bob.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: When Alice doesn't let Bob chew her boss's shoes, he runs away and tries to live with David. However, when Bob is kidnapped by Professor Doom, Alice saves him and so he forgives her.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice still doesn't forgive Bob, even though he saved her.
    • Bob does not save Alice, even though she's in danger.
  • Double Subverted:
    • That was because Professor Doom had mesmerised her. When she goes back to normal, she forgives him.
    • But then he changes his mind and saves her.
  • Parodied:
  • Zigzagged:
  • Averted:
    • Alice does not try to replace Bob.
    • Alice does not end up in danger after replacing Bob.
    • Alice never had any pets.
  • Enforced: The executives demand An Aesop, while the writers wanted to give Bob his own episode.
  • Lampshaded: "Maybe I shouldn't have adopted the dog of the woman I was going to kidnap."
  • Invoked: Bob is lonely and knows that Professor Doom has sinister intentions towards Alice, so he makes her mad on purpose so she will temporarily kick him out while adopting another dog, then when he saves her, he gets welcomed back and now has a new friend.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied:
    • Alice refuses to replace Bob- after all, he didn't mean to get her fired.
    • Bob can actually read and he's read books in which this happens, so he behaves to make sure Alice doesn't kick her out.
  • Discussed: "My neighbour tried to replace her dog, but then when he saved her life, she decided to keep him after all."
  • Conversed: "That was a sweet reunion scene of Alice and Bob after Bob saved her, although throwing him out of the house was a bit out of character."
  • Implied: We never see/hear Alice forgive Bob after he saves her, but he's back in the next episode.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama: After Alice forgives Bob, he's still a bit concerned that she'll kick him out again and so she needs to earn his trust.

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