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Playing With / Chest Burster

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Basic Trope: A nasty parasite leaves the body in a nasty way.

  • Straight: The alien erupts from Bob's chest.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob explodes, leaving a brood of aliens squirming amid the gore.
    • The escaping Alien has a parasite inside it that shortly thereafter bursts out of it. And the parasite has a parasite.
    • A dozen aliens burst out of a dozen people's chests.
  • Downplayed:
    • The alien slices a small hole in Bob's chest from the inside, then oozes out with minimal damage.
    • Orifice Evacuation
  • Justified:
    • The alien was going to make a less messy Orifice Evacuation, but then something in Bob's body made it leave in a hurry.
    • The creature is too large to get out using any non-lethal route.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: After having an alien embryo placed inside him, Bob clutches his chest and screams in agony, but he's just having a heart attack.
  • Double Subverted: Bob's heart attack turns out to be the result of the alien living inside him. *burst*
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged:
    • An alien bursts out of Bob's chest, he successfully kills it and patches up the wound, and another alien bursts out of his chest a while later.
    • The alien was injected improperly by it's parent: If it was implanted..."properly", it would have been a mere pregnancy, as opposed to the intensely messy exit caused by this Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong
  • Averted: The aliens in this story are not parasitic.
  • Enforced:
    • "We need to make our aliens more terrifying. Let's have them burst out of their victims!"
    • The aliens are Intelligent Gerbil versions of Parasitoid Wasps.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do they always come out of the chest?"
  • Invoked: A Mad Scientist breds chestibursticus horriblis as a terror-inducing bioweapon.
  • Exploited: Bob hugs his archnemisis to his chest after he's infected, knowing that the escaping creature will kill both him and his opponent.
  • Defied:
    • Anyone discovered to be harboring an alien parasite is promptly killed and burned.
    • Alternatively everyone in an area even remotely suspected to harbor one is dosed with a drug that kills the eggs if they get into their system.
  • Discussed: "If one of those beasties stings you, it's really laying eggs. So hold on to your ribs".
  • Conversed: "The aliens are chestbursters? Gross!"
  • Implied: "How do they reproduce? Trust me You Do Not Want To Know."
  • Deconstructed:
    • The aliens purposely burst out of peoples' chests as a form of psychological warfare...
    • Bob is really a Worm That Walks made of a colony of snake-like aliens, he's doing this to attack without revealing himself, or because he's in trouble and ejecting a single Worm is the only way he can escape without raising suspicion.
    • The aliens know of the bad PR that would be caused by them bursting out of human chests, and instead settle for the alien equivalent of cows.
    • The biology involved makes the idea very nonfeasible as a weapon. Anything slow is gross but not much of a threat. Anything fast growing runs out of available resources very quickly. At best it is very noticeable, kills the host in an hour and emerges near helpless from the corpse a week later.
  • Reconstructed:

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