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Playing With / Cheesy Moon

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Basic Trope: The moon is made of cheese.

  • Straight: Alice goes to the moon. Upon close inspection, the moon is revealed to be made of hard Parmesan cheese.
  • Exaggerated: Every moon is made of a different kind of cheese, which Alice goes on an interplanetary quest to create a cheese platter from.
  • Downplayed: The moon has molten cheese in its core, but its surface is still rock.
  • Justified: The world is the offspring of a godly cow that gave it a giant orb of milk to drink, and what was left of that orb once the Earth was full became the Moon.
  • Inverted: The cheese is made of Moon.
  • Subverted: Alice goes to the moon, sees the surface's coloration and feels its texture, and concludes it to be Parmesan cheese. When she tries to bite into a big block of it, though, she realizes it's just rocks.
  • Double Subverted: The part she had bitten into, that is. Beneath the surface you'll find a rich mantle of cream cheese.
  • Parodied: Nobody wants to go to the moon because everything stinks here.
  • Zig-Zagged: The moon has some areas which are made of cheese, some which are made of rock, and some of which are made of other food.
  • Averted:
    • The moon is not made of cheese.
    • There is no moon.
  • Enforced: The writer of the book wanted to write a book about space and cooking, since those are their two favorite things, so they made the book an interplanetary ingredient hunt where each planet held one or two of the ingredients - and at that point, why not go for the obvious choice for cheese?
  • Lampshaded: "What the?! How can there be a big lump of cheese in space?!"
  • Invoked: A sorcerer turns the moon into cheese.
  • Exploited: Alice uses the cheese surface as a sustainable food source for her moon colony.
  • Defied: Alice uses a Petrifier Ray in order to turn the moon into solid rock, as it should be.
  • Discussed: "Is the moon really made of cheese?"
  • Conversed: "Where did the whole 'moon made of cheese' thing come from anyway? No one really believed it ever, so where did the jokes come from?"

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