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Playing With / Cheek Copy

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Basic Trope: A character photocopies their bare buttocks.

  • Straight: Bob sits on the copy machine at work and makes a copy or two of his bare butt.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob photocopies every part of his body.
    • Bob makes hundreds of copies of his bare butt.
    • Bob strips naked and photocopies his whole body at once.
    • Every employee photocopies their bottoms all at once.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob leaves his underpants on while copying his butt.
    • Bob copies his hand or foot instead, to be less rude.
    • Bob still has his pants on when he sits on the photocopier.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is bored and/or mischievous.
    • Bob wants to tease his coworkers and/or boss.
    • It's the office Christmas party and Bob is drunk.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob makes a photocopy of his face.
    • Bob inadvertently uses a medical 3D scanner to scan documents instead of living body parts.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob looks at the copier with a mischievous look, but doesn't copy his buttocks.
    • Bob is using the scanner, not the photocopier.
    • Bob tries to photocopy his butt, but find out that the copying machine will not operate unless the lid is all the way down.
  • Double Subverted:
    • He copies his penis and testicles instead.
    • But after scanning his buttocks, he sends the picture as an email attachment to the office.
    • Bob takes a picture of his butt, prints it, and photocopies that instead.
  • Parodied:
    • Within weeks, the entire world is plastered with the numerous photocopies of Bob's buns.
    • The photocopy is seen by a fashion designer who thinks he'd be a great underwear model and sets out to find him.
    • Bob's boss catches him red-handed and he panics. The boss, however, states that he wants a go, before lowering his pants and photocopying his behind.
    • Bob's job is to photocopy his butt. He slacks off by copying documents instead.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob copies one side of his butt at a time, before throwing the resultant copies out and opting to copy his butt all at once. Then he decides to copy it while sitting pointed in different directions on the copier.
  • Averted: Bob doesn't copy his butt at all. He simply walks in, copies a document, and leaves.
  • Enforced: Rule of Funny in a Work Com.
  • Lampshaded: "Because of Bob's unprofessional and gross misuse of our office copier, we will be installing cameras in the copy room to monitor behavior."
  • Invoked: Bob is tempted to copy his buttocks after the Pointy-Haired Boss yells at him.
  • Exploited: Bob needs to keep Alice, a germaphobe, from using the copier, and tells her he copied his butt on it to Squick her out.
  • Defied:
    • Bob knows that he could be fired justifiably for this, and since he has a wife and kids to feed, resists the temptation to do this or tell off PHB.
    • The company uses photocopiers designed so that it wouldn't be possible for anyone to sit on them with their pants down.
  • Discussed: "Hey, there's no one here ... Maybe I could get away with making a few ass copies."
  • Conversed: "Really, if anyone was actually caught copying their ass, they'd get fired on the spot, or at least forced to wipe down the copier glass."
  • Implied: When Alice goes to use the copier, she finds its glass smudged and its paper and toner levels noticeably lower. Not to mention, the glass reeks.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob's weight shatters the glass, electrocuting him.
    • Bob gets fired for unprofessional conduct and/or gross misuse of office supplies.
  • Reconstructed:
    • The next copier that Bob uses has stronger-than-normal glass, allowing it to hold his weight without breaking.
    • Bob sits on the copier very carefully and anonymously.
    • Bob has Ultimate or Vetinari Job Security, so he'll be back soon enough ... as long as he doesn't do it again.
    • Bob wanted to be fired.
    • Bob isn't fired because people think it's Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Bob makes dozens of copies of his butt and hangs them up all over his workplace. He's caught because the photocopier caught the name tag on his underpants.
    • No one sees Bob making a copy of his butt and putting it in his boss' office. His boss opens the next meeting by calling him out ... which leads to everyone questioning how the boss recognized Bob from his butt.
    • The boss chews out Bob for doing this, but Bob sees him doing it himself, playing the trope for Hypocritical Humor.
  • Played for Drama: Bob is lashing out at his awful work conditions and tyrannical boss.
  • Played for Horror: The photocopier was haunted and when Bob photocopied himself, he released the demon into his own body. Now it has him under More than Mind Control.

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