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Playing With / Character Roster Global Warming

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Basic Trope: In a fighting game, although each sequel adds more fighters, the number of Mighty Glacier characters will stay the same.
  • Straight: Trope Fighter I has a roster consisting of Alex, Beth, Charlie, Dana, Eva, and Zane. When Trope Fighter II is released, it adds Fenrir, Gretel, Harry, Isla and Jakob. Alex is still the sole slow-but-powerful type in the roster.
  • Exaggerated: Trope Fighter 11 has Over Nine Thousand characters... but Alex is the only one even remotely resembling a Mighty Glacier.
  • Downplayed: Although Kris was a Mighty Glacier in the first game, the sequel pushes him towards more balanced territory.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Trope Fighter I already had more heavyweights than lightweights in the roster, but Trope Fighter II adds several new characters that are all heavyweights, making non-glaciers even more of a minority.
  • Subverted: The trailer for the new Trope Fighter game shows all the characters racing, with Alex the slowest by far... but then it turns out one of the others had a speed Status Buff, and once it wears off they're a Mighty Glacier like Alex.
  • Double Subverted: That character was a shape-shifter who used a transforming move on Alex, and was wearing a disguise to not look like Alex.
  • Parodied: Every character in Trope Fighter I is skinny, pretty, and lightweight except for Alex, a realistically muscular man. The sequel adds six more skinny fighters, with some being lighter than any of the existing characters. Alex continues to stick out like a sore thumb.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Trope Fighter 2 adds another Mighty Glacier. Alternatively, 2 adds no new characters.
  • Enforced: The creator of the series dislikes playing as mighty glaciers, and so s/he rejects any ideas for new mighty glacier characters.
  • Lampshaded: Alex cheers fighting another Mighty Glacier since it has been so long since he last faced someone in his own weight class.
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: New characters are always added in teams with one of each archetype ensuring the relative balance of roles always remains the same.
  • Discussed: "No new members in my weight class, huh? It's a shame. I was hoping to finally battle with someone my own size."
  • Conversed: "I really liked playing as Alex, and I hoped the sequel would add another character like him... but nope."

Back to Character Roster Global Warming... although if you're playing as Alex, it may take you a while to get there.
