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Playing With / Cat Fight

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Basic Trope: Two girls fighting, played for Fanservice.

  • Straight: The Ms. Fanservice characters, Alice and Betty are fighting against each other.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The two battled in the most Stripperific costumes possible!
    • They're wrestling each other naked.
    • One of them is defeated by modesty.
    • They somehow fall into a pit of mud or a pool of water and continue going at it.
  • Downplayed:
    • The fight is portrayed seriously, possibly dangerous even. But there's enough Clothing Damage, Homoerotic Subtext/Les Yay, She-Fu, etc. for it to function more as fanservice than a fight scene.
    • Alice and Betty have a heated argument with each other with lots of sexual tension.
    • Alice and Betty punch each other once, but don’t go further than that.
  • Justified:
    • Fighting in this universe is considered a mating dance, particularly the same style of fighting as cat-fights, hair-pulling and such. So to see two women do it is considered hot for the same reason two women kissing is.
    • It’s a Fanservice Faux Fight.
    • Alice and Betty are in a Slap-Slap-Kiss relarionship and eventually stop fighting and have sex.
  • Inverted:
    • The two fighting are intentionally played as Fan Disservice.
    • Alice helping Betty is played for fanservice.
    • Alternatively, Alice and Betty fighting back to back is used for fanservice.
  • Gender-Inverted: For the sake of Female Gaze, Andy wrestles against Bob.
  • Subverted: The fight escalates and becomes more disturbing and less sexy.
  • Double Subverted: ...but the escalation only serves to appeal to certain fetishes.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: The fight was played for Gorn.
  • Averted: The fight was clearly portrayed in a serious manner, not as a sexual moment.
  • Enforced: Rule of Sexy
  • Lampshaded: "Are they making their fight this sexy on purpose?"
  • Invoked:
    • Carly sabotages Alice and Betty's relationship.
    • Alice and Betty fake a hot cat fight between the two of them to distract the guys.
    • Bob bets them Alice would win in between the two of them. This causes Betty and her to fight over who would win. While Bob just sits back, watches, and eats some popcorn and maybe goes to his room when things get too hot and heavy.
  • Exploited: The fight was filmed and sold as an erotic video.
  • Defied:
    • Alice and Betty refuse to hold back against each other for the sake of fanservice, resulting in a fight scene just as intense and/or gruesome as the others in the series (if not more so.)
    • Alice and Betty anticipate that their showdown may be played for fanservice, so they face each other in full body armor.
    • Alice and Betty notice that men are leering at or filming them and decide to stop fighting, or even do an Enemy Mine and start fighting the men.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Wow, they're really going at it. Shouldn't someone stop them?" "Why? It's not every day you get to see hot, sweaty women get aggressive on each other."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Little did the guys know that the battle was one sided and Alice was seriously injured by Betty.
    • The guys don't take the fight seriously because Betty and Alice aren't seen as good fighters. But Alice and Betty, being the ones fighting, take the fight very seriously. And they see them sexualizing it as opposed to helping out or at least, being concerned as a sign that they don't really care about them.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Carl and Dave intervene when Betty starts getting the upper hand and separate the two before Alice is seriously injured. Afterwards the guys admit that the start of the fight was kinda sexy, before the injuries started occuring, and that they have a thing for physically strong women and those who are willing to throw down for something.
    • The guys make it up to them by showing that they do care about them and their well being.
  • Implied: The fight wasn't shown. Guys staring towards the direction to the battle with great interest was.
  • Played For Drama: Alice and Betty are secretly in love with each other, but can only express it through sensual fights because they're on the opposite sides of a conflict.

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