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Playing With / Cartoony Tail

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Basic Trope: An animal is drawn with an unrealistic tail.

  • Straight: A platypus in a cartoon has a flat, hairless, beaver-like tail.note 
  • Exaggerated:
    • None of the animals' tails look the way they're supposed to.
    • The platypus has a cat's tail, for some reason.
  • Downplayed: A wolf's tail is notably more bushy than it should be.
  • Justified:
    • This particular platypus is a beaver-platypus hybrid.
    • Alternatively, it was involved in an incident that resulted in its tail being squished flat and shaved.
  • Inverted: The platypus is Inexplicably Tailless.
  • Subverted: The platypus was actually wearing the tail part of a beaver costume.
  • Double Subverted: But upon taking it off, his tail is revealed to still be abnormal looking.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Some animals have cartoony tails and others have realistic tails.
  • Averted: All animals have realistic tails.
  • Enforced:
    • The animal in question just looks better with this sort of tail.
    • The producers already have six stock tails for the animators to use and don't want to spend a dime on yet another one.
  • Lampshaded: "I don't think platypi have tails like that."
  • Invoked: The animal had its original tail surgically replaced with another animal's, likely by a Mad Scientist trying to create an army of Mix-and-Match Critters.
  • Exploited: The platypus uses Tail Slap on an opponent.
  • Defied: The animators decided to just give the platypus a normal tail for realistic accuracy.
  • Discussed: "I sure hope that creature doesn't trip over its ridiculously long tail."
  • Conversed: "Have they even seen what those creatures' tails actually look like?"

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