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Playing With / Camera Obscurer

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Basic Trope: Someone wants to take a clear picture, but it ends up being obscured

  • Straight: Mary takes a picture with her camera. Her thumb is blocking the entire shot.
  • Exaggerated: Mary's cell-phone picture is blocked by her phone case. She takes it off, but her camera's still dirty and that obscures the picture. Then she takes a third picture, but her thumb gets in the way.
  • Downplayed: Mary's thumb only blocks a small part of the photo, and it's easy to crop out.
  • Inverted: Mary puts her thumb over the camera, but when she takes the picture, it comes out completely clear and focused.
  • Subverted: Mary thinks her thumb got in the way, but when she looks at the picture, it's not there.
  • Double Subverted: Something else is blocking most of the shot.
  • Parodied: There's a lens cap randomly blocking the picture on Mary's smartphone.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Mary's picture comes out clear.
  • Enforced: "Mary's going to take a picture for proof of a rare creature. But since Status Quo Is God, let's just say she accidentally blocked the lens with her thumb."
  • Lampshaded: "Agh, my thumb got in the way!"
  • Invoked: Someone else puts their hand in front of the camera right before Mary takes the picture.
  • Exploited: Mary has to pretend to take a picture of something gross, but she doesn't want to look at it anymore; she intentionally blocks the lens so the picture is just dark instead.
  • Defied: Mary uses the preview to ensure that the focus is clear before she snaps the picture.
  • Discussed: "I hope nothing blocked the picture."
  • Conversed: "Why didn't Mary already notice that her thumb was in the picture before she took it? Do phones in that universe just not have camera previews?"
  • Implied: We see Mary with her thumb over the lens, and she says the photo is no good, but we don't see the final picture.
  • Played for Laughs: Mary's camera roll consists mostly of pictures of her thumb.
  • Played for Drama: Mary is a crime scene photographer, but she can't get any clear pictures in time.
  • Played for Horror: Mary's attempts to photograph a terrifying monster always end up being obscured, so the audience never gets to see what it looks like.

Okay, everyone gather together for a photo! (CLICK) Hey, who's the Camera Obscurer!?
