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Playing With / Bloodier and Gorier

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Basic Trope: A sequel, remake, or adaptation of a work is much more violent than the original.

  • Straight: The original work made frequent use of Gory Discretion Shots, but the remake shows everything in its full glory.
  • Exaggerated: The original work had no violence whatsoever, but the remake is full of Gorn.
  • Downplayed:
    • Darker and Edgier
    • Denser and Wackier: The original work was pale and subdued, but the sequel is full of cartoonish violence.
    • The original work had a scene of a guy cutting himself. The remake ups the ante by showing visible blood, but there is no violence other than that.
    • Both works have roughly the same level of violence, but while the original had cartoonish, stylized violence, the remake is much more brutal and realistic in comparison.
  • Justified: The original work's use of Bloodless Carnage and Gory Discretion Shots was very awkward and was the result of censorship, so the new film adaptation just showed the violence instead.
    • In later seasons, the Knight of Cerebus shows up, and his scenes demand nothing less than an increase in the violence.
  • Inverted: The Lighter and Softer film adaptation removes all the violence that was in the original.
  • Subverted: The trailer for the film adaptation makes it look much more violent than the original, but it's actually not.
  • Double Subverted: ...At least, until the second half of the film rolls along, and makes Quentin Tarantino look like Walt Disney.
  • Parodied: The remake starts with a scene of ridiculously over-the-top violence, then cheerily informs the viewer that now that they've gotten the obligatory violence increase done with, the story can continue as planned.
  • Zig Zagged: Different parts of the film adaptation switch rapidly back and forth when it comes to the amount of violence.
  • Averted: The adaptation or remake has the same amount of violence as the original.
  • Enforced: The violent content is upped because the people producing the new version feel that the current version won't lure in audiences enough.
  • Lampshaded: "Are my adventures supposed to be this bloody?"
  • Invoked: "Ahahahaha! SO MUCH BLOOD! Awesome! Just what my adventures needed before!"
  • Exploited: Bob the vampire can drink the blood, and will never have to go to a store again.
  • Defied: "Oh God, this is disgusting! From this point on, I only use tranquilizer darts!"
  • Discussed: "I don't quite remember my first adventure, but I'm sure there were no blood puddles or decapitations involved back then." "Now that you said it, I don't remember flooding everything with blood either."
  • Conversed: "Violence isn't why people like that work! Why'd they add it to the new adaptation? That seems to happen a lot."
  • Deconstructed:
    • The sequel of not particularly violent work is full of blood and gore. Characters are not happy.
    • The sequel (or remake) of a not particularly violent Show Within a Show is hated by the viewers who loved (and hoped for) the original's lack of violence (or accepted things becoming more "cynical" but not "Rated R for On-Screen Chainsaw Gutting" "cynical"). Unsurprisingly, the follow-up work bombs.
  • Reconstructed:
    • The sequel of not particularly violent work is full of blood and gore...And There Was Much Rejoicing?
    • Alternatively, the Token Evil Teammate is delighted at the turn of events.
    • For a value of "reconstructed": The more violent version of the work gets a sequel and additional Expanded Universe sub-works that make it stand further apart from the one-and-done original. The new blood loves it.
  • Played For Laughs: Bloody Hilarious.

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