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Playing With / Black Comedy Burst

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Basic Trope: An otherwise innocuous work is given a sudden moment of Black Comedy.

  • Straight: "The Alice and Bob Show" is a mostly innocuous sitcom, but one episode of it has a brief scene where suicide gets Played for Laughs.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • "The Alice and Bob Show" is a Black Comedy to begin with, but one joke in particular is much darker than its usual fare and/or is in a much more lighthearted episode/scene.
    • The black comedy joke isn't necessarily as dark if one thinks about it - for instance, Alice threatens to kill Bob, despite Bob already having died and been resurrected multiple times before.
  • Justified:
    • The characters wanted to make a dark joke.
    • Take 12 of scene 7 had an accidental case of Black Comedy that the creator decided to keep.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: It seems like it's going to be Suicide as Comedy... but it actually gets treated seriously.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Then there's a scene where Alice has a miscarriage, and it's played for comedy.
    • The suicide scene becomes a funny anecdote, though.
  • Parodied: In an episode of "The Alice and Bob Show," a dark situation unfolds, but the show parodies the black comedy moment. The characters respond with witty one-liners and absurdly inappropriate jokes, exaggerating the dark elements for comedic effect.
  • Zig-Zagged: (Continuing from Double Subverted #1) The scene where Alice has a miscarriage later becomes less funny due to a Cerebus Retcon of some kind, such as her actually succeeding in having a child only to suffer Death by Childbirth.
  • Averted:
    • No sudden moments of Black Comedy are added.
    • The work is already a dark comedy to begin with.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Well, that was a little too much."
  • Invoked: "I'm tired of making nice, innocent jokes! Let's make a dark joke."
  • Exploited: The characters take note of the fact that they're allowed to make darker jokes now, beginning the series' road to a Darker and Edgier route.
  • Defied: "This isn't a Black Comedy, why would we make a dark joke now?"
  • Discussed: "What a nice, normal day. I'm gonna go jump off a bridge!"
  • Conversed:
    • "I thought "The Alice and Bob Show" was a lighthearted comedy! If I wanted jokes about suicide, I'd see what's on [adult swim]."
    • "I wonder why some works add a random Black Comedy joke."
  • Played for Laughs: The dark humor in "The Alice and Bob Show" is intentionally exaggerated and intended to be humorous.
  • Played for Drama: The moment of black comedy in "The Alice and Bob Show" is played seriously, highlighting the darker elements of the situation.
  • Played for Horror: The black comedy moment is used to create a sense of fear or unease in the audience.
  • Implied: The audience is led to believe that a black comedy moment occurred off-screen through subtle hints or references.
  • Deconstructed: The black comedy moment is analyzed and explored in a way that exposes its underlying implications or flaws, challenging its comedic value.
  • Reconstructed: The black comedy moment is reimagined or recontextualized in a way that makes it more effective or meaningful, bringing back its comedic or dramatic impact.

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