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Playing With / Bizarre Taste in Food

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Basic Trope: A character enjoys food combinations that are unusual.

  • Straight: Alice's Trademark Favorite Food is a sandwich with meatloaf, peanut butter, honey mustard, ice cream, and pickles on it.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice likes cheeseburgers with barbecue sauce, grilled onions, and grilled pineapple on them. While grilled pineapple is a fairly unusual topping for cheeseburgers, some restaurants do serve these.
    • Alice thinks that meatloaf-peanut butter-honey mustard-ice cream-pickle sandwiches are pretty enjoyable, but they're not her favorite.
  • Justified:
    • Alice likes to try new things.
    • The combination of food actually tastes quite good, despite what some may think.
    • Alice is pregnant and is having Wacky Cravings, or remembers having this combination of food and enjoying it during her pregnancy.
    • Alice is a Big Eater anyway.
    • Alice isn't human, and eats things that seem weird to humans, but are normal to her species.
    • It's considered normal food in her culture.
    • It's an acquired taste from having had to survive on a non-existent budget for so long.
  • Inverted: Alice refuses to eat any combination of food whatsoever.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice is mentioned to like unusual sandwiches, but when someone makes her one with the ingredients she likes, she doesn't want to eat it.
    • It's believed that this is why Alice enjoys weird food, but it's only because she was pregnant and was having Wacky Cravings.
  • Double Subverted:
    • She only didn't want to eat it because the ingredients were wrong.
    • Alternatively, she just wasn't hungry at that moment.
    • When Alice is no longer pregnant, she's later seen eating a pizza that contains kiwi, beef jerky, watermelon, anchovies, and shredded cheese.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Nobody eats unusual food.
  • Enforced: Can be a gross-out gag.
  • Lampshaded: "Alice, how can you eat all those things together? Are your taste buds dead?"
  • Invoked: Alice decides to make a sandwich out of whatever she has in her kitchen.
  • Exploited: Alice is famous, and restaurants start serving "Alice-Style" sandwiches.note 
  • Defied: Alice decides not to order weird food.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Wow, this character likes weird food."
  • Played for Laughs: Alice starts to make a sandwich as the ingredients she uses become more and more absurd.

That's what you're getting? You sure have a Bizarre Taste in Food.
