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Playing With / Bisexual Love Triangle

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  • Basic: A character must choose between a same-sex love interest and an opposite-sex love interest.

  • Straight:
    • Andie, who is bisexual, has a choice between being with Betty romantically and risking discrimination against them, or being with Corman and turning her back on her identity.
    • Alex must choose between dating either Bob, who can explore his newfound same-sex attraction, or Claire, who he has known for awhile and recently gained a crush on her.
  • Justified:
    • Andie/Alex is so pretty/handsome, Even the Girls Want Her/Even the Guys Want Him
    • Andie is split into two personalities- one who wants the femininity and sensitivity that Lipstick Lesbian Betty can provide, one who wants the masculinity and strength that Corman will give her.
    • Alex never really felt attraction towards anyone until he met both Bob and Claire.
  • Inverted:
    • Andie is crushing on two people, Betty and Corman, neither of which have shown any interest in her.
    • Both Bob and Claire want Alex but he has no interest in either of them.
  • Subverted:
    • Turns out Andie is only in love with Betty- she was only pretending to love Corman as well so she could pass as bi instead of gay.
    • Alex picked Bob but then realizes that he's not attracted to him.
    • Everyone in the love triangle learns that each of them are bisexual and polyamorous.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Then Andie's crush on Darius is discovered.
    • Alex then meets Damien and is just as attracted to him as he is to Claire.
    • Everyone in the love triangle are bisexual but Betty/Bob and Corman/Claire are simply not attracted to each other and both are crushing on Andie/Alex, who is strictly monogamous.
  • Parodied:
    • Betty is a comically masculine lesbian, and Corman is a straight drag queen.
    • Bob is Camp Gay and Claire is a tomboy who is Mistaken for Gay
  • Deconstructed: Eventually, Corman/Claire decides that because Andie/Alex is interested in Betty/Bob she must be a lesbian/gay man and he/she should stop trying, and Betty/Bob decides that Andie/Alex must be straight because she's/he's interested in Corman/Claire and she/he should stop trying, leaving Andie/Alex with no possible love interests.
  • Reconstructed: Andie/ Alex makes it very clear to Corman and Betty/Claire and Bob that she/he is bi and her/his interests change constantly.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Andie dates Corman and does not bother with girls, or dates Betty and doesn't bother with boys.
    • Alex has to choose between two girls, or two boys.
    • Andie is asexual aromantic.
    • Both Bob and Claire have no problem being in a polyamorous relationship with Alex.
    • There is no love triangle.
  • Enforced: The producers don't want any accusations of just calling Andie or Alex bi to pander to bisexuals, so they give them two love interests of two different genders.
  • Implied: The POV character, Ellie, is Andie's best friend. Ellie frequently sees Andie with either Betty or Corman, and Andie is openly bi.
  • Played for Laughs: Corman and Betty take their gender expression to extremes to impress Andie (i.e, Betty stuffs toilet paper in her breasts and puts on a full face of makeup, Corman puts on some fake muscles and talks constantly about his nuts). In addition, they flirt with Andie in ways such as "Date me because I'm a girly, feminine, womanly GIRL!" or "Love me, I'm a very masculine, macho, manly BOY!"
  • Played for Drama: Andie observes that the queer people in her school cast out anyone who is dating someone of their gender, and a Homophobic Hate Crime happens every few weeks in her area, making the stakes even higher.
  • Played for Horror: Betty, sick of waiting for Andie to make up her mind, painfully murders Corman and becomes very possessive of Andie.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Andie has 12 possible love interests- Betty, Ellie, Fatima, Georgia, Helen and Ines, along with Cory, Darius, Jason, Karl, Luke and Matt.
    • Corman is EXTREMELY masculine, while Betty is EXTREMELY feminine.
  • Downplayed: Andie has to choose between Cory and Bobbie. They are both gender fluid, but Cory identifies as male most of the time, while Bobbie identifies as female most of the time.
  • Lampshaded: "The curse of being bisexual. I'm in a love triangle with a girl and a boy! The horror!"
  • Invoked: Andie purposely seeks out a boy and a girl to love.
  • Exploited: Ellie is crushing on Corman, and knowing that Andie can't make up her mind, she encourages her to choose Betty and starts flirting with Corman.
  • Defied:
    • Ellie keeps Corman as far away from Andie as possible so she has nothing distracting her from Betty.
    • Andie decides to get with both of them.
  • Discussed: "Andie's bi, so she'll definitely have to choose between the hot bad boy and her female best friend at one point- that's how it works, or have you never watched a romance movie?"
  • Conversed: "If I have to watch one more bisexual love triangle on TV I'm going to puke."

Will you pick the boy? Or the girl? Or will you just go back to Bisexual Love Triangle?
