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Playing With / Birthday Episode

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Basic Trope: An episode that focuses on a character's birthday.

  • Straight: Alice's birthday takes up most of the episode.
  • Exaggerated: All the characters were coincidentally born on the same date, so it's everyone's birthday for an episode.
  • Downplayed: Alice's birthday is only a subplot or only takes up one scene.
  • Justified: Well, everyone has a birthday.
  • Inverted:
    • The characters are celebrating the fact that it's not Alice's birthday.
    • Alice is The Undead and they're celebrating the anniversary of the day she died.
    • Alice was evil and the characters are celebrating the anniversary of the day her birth was prevented via Time Travel.
    • In a series mostly composed of birthday-centric episodes, there is one where it isn't somebody's birthday.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • But the holiday is dedicated to some historical figure's birth or coincidentally falls on a birthday.
    • But when she wakes up, it really is her birthday, or it's someone else's.
    • Bob was mixing Alice up with Carol. It's Carol's birthday.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice was created in a lab, so the other characters are unsure if she has a birthday or not.
    • The episode is all about Alice's friends planning an elaborate birthday for Alice. At the end, she shows up naked.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice appears to be celebrating her birthday, but it's just a dream, but when she wakes up and gets dressed, Bob wishes her a happy birthday, but he got the date wrong, then some people appear to be celebrating Carol's birthday, but it's actually a fictional event...dedicated to the birth of a historical figure.
  • Averted:
    • There are no birthday episodes.
    • The work does not have an episodic structure.
  • Enforced: Someone wrote to the writers asking how old Alice was, and they decided that that person could figure it out by counting the candles on Alice's cake.
  • Lampshaded: "Happy birthday, Alice!"
  • Invoked: Alice uses Time Travel to go to her birthday.
  • Exploited: Alice tries to use the fact that it's her birthday to get her way.
  • Defied: Alice hates birthdays, and explicitly tells everyone not to throw her a birthday party.
  • Discussed: "So when's Alice's birthday?"
  • Conversed: "I hear Alice's birthday is coming up a few episodes from now."
  • Implied: Alice is seen blowing out candles on a cake.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's birthday won't keep Emperor Evulz from putting his plan into action. By the end of the episode, the world is a dystopia.
  • Reconstructed: The Team defeats Evulz, and then celebrates Alice's birthday
  • Played for Laughs: Bob tries to throw Alice a surprise birthday party but is hilariously incompetent.
  • Played for Drama: Something bad happens during Alice's birthday.
  • Played for Horror: Alice is stalked and killed by a masked slasher on her birthday.

Back to Birthday Episode, and if it's your birthday, then happy birthday.
