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Playing With / Big, Thin, Short Trio

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Basic Trope: A big character, a thin character and a short character come together to form a trio.

  • Straight:
    • Bob is big, fat, and hefty, Aaron is thin and gangly, and Charles is the shortest out of the three.
    • Bob is powerful and muscular, Aaron is thin and gangly, and Charles is the shortest out of the three.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Bob, Aaron and Charles' body types only look slightly different from one another as Bob appears to be a little pudgy with a noticeable gut (or with a well defined musculature if he's the "strong" kind of big), Aaron looks the skinniest and Charles is of average height but only looks tiny in comparison to them.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Not applicable.
  • Subverted: Aaron bulks up to be as big as Bob and Charles starts to become taller which makes him no longer the "short" guy of the trio.
  • Double Subverted: Soon, Aaron becomes so big and Charles becomes so thin and tall like Aaron once was which makes them dwarf Bob, thus reforming the archetype.
  • Parodied: They are all shapes: Bob is a circle, Aaron is a long rectangle and Charles is a dot.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • One of the characters occasionally steps away from the group from time to time or doesn't hang around them often which leaves the remaining two to act as a duo.
    • Bob, Charles and Aaron change height and weight.
  • Averted: They are all the exact same weight and height.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Despite Bob being a Big Guy, Aaron being slim and Charles being tiny, they make quite a great team."
  • Invoked: The three team up in order to form this archetype.
  • Exploited:???
  • Defied: Bob, Aaron and Charles refuse to come together as a trio which makes them unable to form this dynamic.
  • Discussed: "I feel the Big Guy, Little Guy trope is missing something, we should add in a third character and we should make him tall and thin to differ from the other two."
  • Played For Drama: They all suffer serious health issues and/or insecurities about their body types, Bob suffers a serious inner body pains due to his large size and eating disorder, Aaron is a highly-anxious anorexic and freaks over the slightest fear that he might be overweight and Charles discovered he was born with a genetic condition that badly affects his height.

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