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Playing With / Big Good

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Basic Trope: The leader and most powerful of the good guys.

  • Straight: Bob is the leader and the most powerful and respected member of the Alliance of Heroes. Only Emperor Evulz is capable of challenging him in battle.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob is a powerful hero who has a lot of good strategies for the team but is usually depicted as peer among the others.
    • The Hero
  • Justified: Having trained Bob since he was a child, Master David handpicked him to succeed him as leader of the Alliance of Heroes.
  • Inverted: Big Bad
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Bob's superhero outfit has the words BIG GOOD on the front. In fact, that becomes his name.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob turns out to be bad but not the Big Bad. In fact he was not that powerful at all and turns out to be a highly clumsy villain. His clumsiness actually sabotages the Big Bad thus sort of making him a hero. Then it turns out he did this all on purpose because he truly is the Big Good. Everyone cheers as Bob turns out to be a great guy after all. However, in the final stages of the adventure it becomes clear that while Bob was a great guy with great morals he is still a clumsy, lazy, unreliable person with no power whatsoever. The epilogue makes clear that his real power was in gathering the truly competent and reliable heroes for the Alliance of Heroes.
  • Averted: Bob is just one of many heroes in the setting.
  • Enforced: The writers want to create a legendary hero the rest of the team looks up to in order to show what sort of person a superhero would admire.
  • Lampshaded: "It's Bob! The world's greatest hero!"
  • Invoked:
    • Bob sees that the heroes lack leadership and steps up to the plate.
    • God or some other cosmic deity purposefully sent Bob to Earth in order to lead the heroes, knowing exactly what sort of person they would look up to via mind-reading and simple spying.
  • Exploited: The Big Bad or Greater-Scope Villain mind-controlled or infiltrated the Big Good and used this to their advantage, commit their evil deeds, get their opponents out of the way or simply For the Evulz.
  • Defied: The team agrees to share their power and influence equally.
  • Discussed: The team discusses why they look up to Bob so much.
  • Conversed: Bob's fans read his comic and talk about how much of a natural leader he is.
  • Implied: No one ever specifically mentions Bob is the leader but they always follow his orders and seem pretty lost without him.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is so iconic amongst his fellow heroes that the others cannot hope to be as effective as him. They quit in disillusion, fragmenting the Alliance.
    • Bob is so central to the Alliance of Heroes that, if he should ever become a Fallen Hero, it would completely shatter the hopes and principles of the Alliance who think that if even the Best has fallen, it's only a matter of time before they suffer the same fate, leading to them either joining the bad guys or giving up completely.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs: Everyone comments how great Bob is, with heavy doses of Ho Yay thrown in.
  • Played For Drama: Bob is the reluctant leader who secretly has doubts about his role and fears failure.

Lead the good guys to victory at Big Good.
