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Playing With / Badass in a Nice Suit

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Basic Trope: A Sharp-Dressed Man. Who happens to be a badass too.

  • Straight: Graves wears a sharp, but conservative suit, and proceeds to show the audience why he's such a badass.
  • Exaggerated: Graves wears a sharp suit, walks into an enemy army base and kicks everybody's asses without a weapon. While dodging bullets and superior firepower.
  • Downplayed: Graves spends a few scenes in his suit, but when he's heading into combat he puts on more appropriate gear.
  • Justified:
    • Under that suit, Graves is wearing a bulletproof vest, and he knows that he stands a better chance. He also knows that the fact that he isn't wearing what enemies expect him to wear will give him a slight advantage.
    • He's wearing a Columbian bulletproof suit.
    • Graves was at a formal event when the enemy attacked him.
    • Graves just happens to have telekinesis, which he uses to keep his suit clean while he kicks ass.
    • Agent Graves happens to work for the Secret Service, The Men in Black, or another branch of the government that holds him to a strict dress code and has high recruitment standards.
    • Graves is in The Mafia.
    • Graves lives at the beginning of the 20th century Europe when suits were worn almost everywhere.
    • After the house of Graves was destroyed, Graves was wearing a suit. Now he has no ability to get new clothes.
    • Graves' suit is a Clingy Costume.
    • Graves' suit gives him superpowers.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Graves wears his suit, then mugs a guard for his disguise
  • Double Subverted: … Graves then walks into the base, past the guards, and promptly strips off his disguise to reveal an identical suit.
  • Parodied:
    • In Badass Academy, that's one of the first few lessons they teach on how to look good while beating up your enemy.
    • Graves wears a ceremonial dress, religious clothing, or folk costume since it is also considered formal wear.
    • Graves loves his suit so much that he is tortured by the Big Bad threatening to pour paint over it.
  • Zig Zagged: Graves kicks ass with his own suit, but as he moves through the Big Bad's base, he uses parts of his outfit to kill Mooks or removes them such as when he gets to the Big Bad's lair, he is a Walking Shirtless Scene. Just before he enters, he strips a suit from a defeated foe, so that he looks sharp and ready for the final showdown.
  • Averted: Graves doesn't wear a suit.
  • Enforced: "And now, back to Shallow Graves — sponsored by Armani".
  • Lampshaded: One of the soldiers remarks that the suit looks extremely good on Graves. He smiles, then takes him out anyway.
  • Invoked: Graves is actually a mercenary, and his stated mission is to storm the base, in a suit that would make James Bond jealous. He reluctantly takes it on, because he needs the money.
  • Exploited: Graves knows that wearing a suit increases his chances of success, and wears it. Looking good in it is just a side-effect that he doesn't mind.
  • Defied: "Oh, I don't fight in this. No, no, it'd ruin the stitching..."
  • Discussed: "I don't care what Burn Notice says. I'd rather wear a greatcoat than a sharp-looking suit."
  • Conversed: "You ever notice how the guys that come to attack either wear something foreboding, or wear some awesome suits?" "Yeah. Why aren't they shot on sight?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • Graves is sorely defeated as his suit restricts his movements, and his suit can't protect him from a few bullets to the head.
    • Grave's suit doesn't stay nice for very long. His cleaning and/or wardrobe costs are astronomcal.
  • Reconstructed: Graves's suit is modified to use bulletproof fabrics, and he intentionally loosens the suit so that it wouldn't restrict his movements so much. As a final touch, he hides a few weapons in there. Just in case.
  • Played For Laughs: Graves wears a suit, and attacks, only to get kicked out. He retries several dozen times, of which the audience only sees three. Each time Graves retries, he wears a different suit. By the time he succeeds, he bemoans the cost of more than fifty suits he would never use again.
  • Played For Drama:

Back to Badass in a Nice Suit. That's a very nice suit, by the w-BANG
