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Playing With / Baby Morph Episode

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Basic Trope: An episode involving a character or more than one turning into an infant.

  • Straight: In one episode of Alice and Bob, Alice turns into a baby, while Bob has to babysit her and Charlie has to look for a way to turn her back.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Everyone turns into a baby, and also the animals turn into baby animals and the plants turn into seedlings.
    • Alice turns into a sperm.
  • Downplayed: Alice turns into a child.
  • Inverted: The babies turn into adults, or Alice turns into an old woman.
  • Subverted: It looked like Alice turned into a baby but really that was just a baby appearing at the same time as Alice walking off.
  • Double Subverted:
    • That was Bob as a baby.
    • After the reveal, Alice is transformed into a baby for real.
  • Parodied: Alice is physically a baby but retains the intellect and speech skills of her normal age. Though maybe not the maturity:
    Alice: (worried) Guys? If you don't hurry it up you're gonna have to add "diapers" to that shopping list.
  • Averted: Nobody turns into a baby.
  • Zigzagged: Alice, due to a magic spell, keeps flipping ages, from elderly to a baby and everything in between.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Alice! You're a baby again!"
  • Invoked: Dave makes a potion which turns people into babies.
  • Exploited: Charlie knows Bob isn't very good with kids, so while he's off to Find the Cure!, he leaves Alice in Bob's care so Bob can learn a few lessons from the experience.
  • Defied: Alice drinks some potion that makes her immune to becoming a baby.
  • Discussed:
    Bob: "So Alice is a baby now. What shall we do?"
    Charlie: "You babysit. I'll go Find the Cure!."
  • Conversed: "I like these episodes where characters turn into babies. They make such cute babies."
  • Implied: The cliffhanger of an otherwise unrelated episode shows Alice's discarded clothes on the floor, with Bob's expression turning to confusion as he hears a baby's giggles coming from another room.
  • Deconstructed: Seeing as everyone is a baby, nobody can look after them.
  • Reconstructed: Not everyone is a baby. One has not turned into a baby.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob and Charlie, who are a gay couple, (or good "friends" with a ton of Homoerotic Subtext between them) become Parents for a Day when Alice becomes a baby. Bob is the Bumbling Dad, and Charlie is the nagging wife who has to both cope with his silliness and making sure the baby doesn't die.
  • Played for Drama: Alice is getting younger and younger and they'd better Find the Cure! before she becomes "not born yet".

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