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Playing With / Angels, Devils and Squid

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Basic Trope: Angels, demons and Eldritch Abominations are all present, often in a battle with each other.

  • Straight: Hadariel, the leader of The Armies of Heaven, Bha'ab, the leader of The Legions of Hell, and Chu'luthc, the leader of an army of Eldritch Abominations, are all engaged in a war against each other.
  • Exaggerated: God, Satan, and Chu'luthc are perpetually engaged in a fistfight with each other.
  • Downplayed: The abominations are mentioned and implied to be dangerous, but are never seen, and the work primarily places focus on the angels and demons.
    • Alternatively, only the Eldritch Abominations are seen, but the work implies that angels and demons also exist.
  • Justified: The angels, demons, and abominations have vastly different moralities(with angels being Always Lawful Good, demons being Always Chaotic Evil, and abominations having Blue-and-Orange Morality), so it comes as no surprise that they would hate each other.
  • Inverted: All three factions are allied with each other, and are at war with humans instead.
  • Subverted: The abominations are actually in league with the demons.
  • Doubled Subverted: Their radically different morality systems lead to one faction breaking off the alliance and declaring war on the other.
  • Parodied:
    • Hadariel, Bha'ab and Chu'luthc are actually just Alice, Bob and Charlie, three kids in costumes fighting over what the best kind of ice cream is.
    • Angels, devils, and krakens are at war with each other.
  • Zig Zagged: There is a prophecy stating that the abominations will rise, but that turns out to just be propaganda peddled by both sides. But it turns out the prophecy was actually correct!...except it was the work of The Fair Folk, who are actually Sufficiently Advanced Aliens and might be from Another Dimension.
  • Averted: No angels, demons or Eldritch Abominations appear.
  • Enforced: The executives want to drastically up the stakes.
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, the eldritch horrors are fighting over Earth now? Just when things can't get any worse, they get worse."
  • Invoked: Satan deliberately engineers the situation so that the Eldritch Abominations will join the war, in order to force The Armies of Heaven to focus on two enemies at once.
  • Exploited: The angels and demons come to a truce to fight against the Eldritch Abominations. One side ends up making the other do most of the fighting, in order to get them to expend all of their resources so that the faction doing most of the fighting will lose the war.
  • Discussed: "So, we’re dealing with angels, demons, and…squid monsters? Is there a third afterlife in the ocean or something?"
  • Conversed: "Angels, demons and Cthulhu in the same show? Seems like the producers are just trying to make the stakes as high as possible."
  • Implied: The work occasionally mentions a war between Heaven, Hell, and another unseen force. This war is never shown, however, and what the unseen force is is never explained.
  • Deconstructed: Earth is the battlefield in this war, and humanity ends up getting destroyed.
  • Reconstructed: The angels and demons form a truce so that this doesn't end up happening.
  • Played for Laughs: The angels, demons and abominations end up fighting against each a game of Rock–Paper–Scissors.

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