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Playing With / Adaptational Nice Guy

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Basic Trope: A mean character becomes nicer in an adaptation.

  • Straight:
    • Alex was rude, bitter, and spiteful in Tropeworld Chronicles. In Tropeworld Adventures, however, he's nicer than in the previous adaptation.
    • Emperor Evulz was a Jerkass villain who mistreats his underlings and enjoys antagonizing the heroes in Tropeworld Chronicles, but in Tropeworld Adventures, he's more of an Affably Evil villain.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Alex was an unlikable Jerkass in Tropeworld Chronicles, but in Tropeworld Adventures, he's a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
    • While Alex was a Jerk With A Heart Of Gold in Troperworld Chronicles, in Troperworld Adventures, he's a straight up Nice Guy with little if any Jerkass moments.
    • Alex is introduced as a jerk in Troperworld Chronicles, before becoming kinder. In Troperworld Adventures he is introduced as nice person, with only a few references to having once been a jerk in the past.
    • Alex is a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk in Troperworld Chronicles but in Troperworld Adventures, he's a Jerk With A Heart Of Gold.
    • Harry was The Bully in Tropeworld Chronicles, but in the new show, he has a few Pet the Dog moments.
    • Emperor Evulz in Troperworld Chronicles was a Generic Doomsday Villain. In Troperworld Adventure though, he is more of a fleshed out Anti-Villain with nobel intentions and is a fair player
    • Alex is still the same type of Jerkass in Tropeworld Adventures, just not as much as in Tropeworld Chronicles.
    • Alex wasn't much of a jerk to begin with even in the source material. The adaptation simply removes the few moments he was more of a jerk, meaning he becomes this by default.
    • Alex has already demonstrated some attributes in Tropeworld Chronicles. Tropeworld Adventures just gives him the opportunity to provide more.
  • Justified:
    • Tropeworld Adventures is a Lighter and Softer adaptation of Tropeworld Chronicles.
    • Adventures takes place in a timeline where Alex got to meet a professional who could help him with his anger issues.
  • Inverted: Adaptational Jerkass
  • Subverted:
    • Alex was nice in season 1, but when season 2 rolled around, he's like his original portrayal.
    • Alex only feigned kindness, in the end he turns out to be as mean as his original version.
  • Double Subverted: Alex carried the Jerkass Ball. After that, he's back being the nice guy he was in the series.
  • Parodied: In season 2 of Tropeworld Adventures, Alex opens a portal to a different dimension... Namely the one Tropeworld Chronicles takes place in. The two Alexs meet, and the one from Chronicles immediately tears into the one from Adventures for being a softie.
  • Zig Zagged: Alex in Adventures series appears to flip between being a jerk and being nice depending on the episode and who he is talking to.
  • Averted: Alex in Tropeworld Adventures is the same jerkass that he was from Tropeworld Chronicles.
  • Enforced: "Some feel that Alex was too edgy in the original show. Let's create a new show where he's more likable to the audience."
  • Lampshaded: "Do you get the feeling Alex has been nicer recently?"
  • Invoked: Alex learns An Aesop about being kind, and decides to.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz takes advantage of Alex's kindness, by getting him to forgive him, and then to serve him.
  • Defied: Alex thinks about being kinder, but then he decides against it.
    Alex: "Pffft. Why would I be any kinder to those losers anyway?"
  • Discussed: "Alex is so mean! I hope he becomes nicer soon!"
  • Conversed:
    Alice: "This Alex is sure nice in the new show."
    Bob: "This Alex sucks! His personality is boring and he isn't a badass anymore!"
  • Implied: Alex never actually makes an appearance in Adventures, but the people he used to butt heads with in Chronicles don't have anything bad to say about him.

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