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Playing With / Achievement Mockery

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Basic Trope: An achievement that mocks the player.

  • Straight: In Alice Saves the World, dying three times on the first level on easy mode will unlock the achievement "Not That Bulletproof".
  • Exaggerated: Attempting to cheat will earn the player the "Cheating Bastard" achievement and lock all other achievements.
  • Downplayed: Choosing Easy Mode will unlock the "Baby's First Game" achievement.
  • Logical Extreme: The achievements in the game become increasingly cruel and demeaning, with each failure unlocking a new achievement that goes beyond mere mockery.
    • Failing to complete a level within a certain time limit unlocks the achievement "Utter Incompetence."
    • Dying multiple times in a row triggers the achievement "Pathetic Excuse for a Gamer."
    • Making a single mistake during a critical moment results in the achievement "Absolutely Clueless."
    • Failing to solve a puzzle after multiple attempts awards the achievement "Brain of a Potato."
  • Justified: The achievements are earned In-Universe, so your friends are insulting you.
  • Inverted: An achievement that praises the player.
  • Subverted: There is an achievement called "Not That Bulletproof", however it requires you to get loaded with a minigun.
  • Double Subverted: ...but you can also get it from dying to a pistol.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: The achievements range from mockery to praising.
  • Averted: There are no achievements.
  • Enforced: The developers wanted you to know how bad you are at the game.
  • Lampshaded: "Did you even try?!"
  • Invoked: The game's tutorial explicitly tells the player, "If you want to feel the sting of failure, make sure to die at least three times on the first level."
  • Exploited: A player intentionally dies multiple times on easy mode to quickly unlock the "Not That Bulletproof" achievement and show off to their friends.
  • Defied: Alice In-Universe dies three times and swats away the achievement.
  • Discussed: "Can you please do a better job?".
  • Conversed: "Why's this achievement insulting me? I just started the game!"
  • Implied: The player character's constant deaths are hinted at through dialogue and reactions from other characters, but the specific achievement is never shown on-screen.
  • Unparodied: The "Not That Bulletproof" achievement is earned exactly as described, mocking the player for their performance in the game.
  • Untwisted: The player dies three times on the first level, just as the "Not That Bulletproof" achievement suggests, without any unexpected subversions or twists.
  • Deconstructed: The constant mockery through achievements takes a toll on the player's self-esteem, leading to frustration and a decline in enjoyment of the game.
  • Reconstructed: As the player overcomes challenges and improves their skills, they start earning positive achievements that counterbalance the initial mocking ones, boosting their confidence and motivation to continue playing.
  • Played For Horror: Murdering a child gives you the "You Have Taken Your First Steps" achievement, complete with picture of the Big Bad laughing evilly.
  • Played for Laughs: The achievement "Epic Fail" pops up with a comical sound effect and confetti every time the player dies.
  • Played for Drama: The protagonist's repeated failures and subsequent unlocking of the "Not That Bulletproof" achievement serve as a symbol of their struggle and growth throughout the game.
