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Playing With / Achey Scars

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Basic Trope: Scars that ache, especially when there is a reminder of the incident that caused the scar.

  • Straight: Hiro has a scar on his arm, which he obtained from Emperor Evulz. Whenever Evulz appears, Hiro's scar tends to ache.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Hiro is Covered in Scars as a result of Evulz performing Cold-Blooded Torture on him - every time he sees Evulz, Hiro collapses in agony.
    • Hiro's scar is constantly aching regardless of what he does.
  • Downplayed: Hiro experiences some mild pain after witnessing an incident that reminds him of the scar.
  • Logical Extreme: Hiro's scar not only aches when he sees Evulz, but it also emits a glowing light and starts bleeding profusely.
  • Justified:
    • It's a newer scar, or the area near the scar was recently injured.
    • Truth in Television. Witnessing something that reminds someone of their scar can cause that scar to start hurting, but it's mostly psychological.
    • Hiro is cursed to have a scar that aches constantly.
    • The scar is across the left hip joint, every time he moves his left leg the scar is retorn.
    • The scar is located near a nerve cluster, causing occasional pain when triggered.
    • Hiro has a medical condition that makes scars hypersensitive and prone to aching.
  • Inverted: Hiro experiences pain everywhere except for his scarred area.
  • Subverted: Hiro is clutching an area he has a scar on in pain - however, it's revealed that it's because he has another injury.
  • Double Subverted: The injury is also causing pain near his scar.
  • Parodied:
    • Hiro's scar starts playing dramatic music whenever Evulz is around, accompanied by exaggerated wincing and melodramatic dialogue.
    • Hiro makes sure to gulp down some Tylenol whenever Evulz is close.
  • Zig-Zagged: The scar's aching is played with in various ways throughout the story, combining different tropes and treatments. At times, it is played straight, with the scar consistently aching when Evulz appears. However, there are instances where it is exaggerated for comedic effect, parodied with over-the-top reactions, or downplayed to highlight other aspects of the story. This back-and-forth treatment of the trope adds unpredictability and versatility to how the scar's aching is portrayed.
  • Averted: Nobody has any aching scars.
  • Enforced: The writers or creators of the story intentionally include the scar's aching as a recurring element to enhance the narrative, create tension, or deepen the emotional impact of the character's experiences.
  • Lampshaded: Another character comments on Hiro's scar, saying, "Isn't it funny how your scar always seems to act up when that villain shows up?"
  • Invoked: Evulz curses Hiro so that the scar will hurt whenever Evulz is around.
  • Exploited: Hiro intentionally exposes his scar to Evulz, pretending it aches to distract him and gain an advantage in their confrontation.
  • Defied: Hiro actively takes steps to prevent his scar from aching, using various methods such as meditation, medication, or protective coverings to minimize its discomfort.
  • Discussed: Characters engage in a conversation about the phenomenon of scars aching and share their personal experiences or theories on why it occurs.
  • Conversed: In an unrelated conversation, characters bring up the topic of scars aching and briefly discuss its implications or relevance to their own lives.
  • Implied: At one point, Hiro is seen grabbing his arm with a pained expression, and it was previously established that he has a scar on his arm.
  • Played for Laughs: Hiro's scar starts singing show tunes whenever Evulz is nearby, creating comedic situations.
  • Played for Drama: Hiro's scar serves as a constant reminder of the traumatic event, adding depth and emotional weight to his character arc.
  • Played for Horror: The scar not only aches but also pulsates with an eerie glow whenever Evulz is present, intensifying the sense of dread and impending danger.
  • Unparodied: Despite the comedic tone of the story, Hiro's scar's aching is taken seriously and serves as a plot device to explore his emotional struggles.
  • Deconstructed: The constant pain from the scar takes a toll on Hiro's mental and physical well-being, leading to insomnia, anxiety, and difficulty in forming relationships.
  • Reconstructed: Hiro learns to manage and overcome the pain caused by his scar, using it as a source of inner strength and motivation to confront Evulz and protect others.

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