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Playing With / A Tankard of Moose Urine

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Basic Trope: An alcoholic drink — usually beer — that tastes bad (or has no flavour).

  • Straight:
    • Bad Guy Beer, the beer served at the local Bad Guy Bar, tastes like piss.
    • Bad Guy Beer is almost flavourless.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bad Guy Beer is so terrible that actual moose urine tastes better.
    • Bad Guy Beer tastes so awful that most characters vomit after a sip or two.
    • Bad Guy Beer has no flavour whatsoever.
  • Downplayed: Bad Guy Beer is cheap and kind of bad, but not "it tastes like piss" levels of bad.
  • Justified:
    • Bad Guy Beer is quite literally moose piss.
    • Bad Guy Beer is a cheap, crappy beer. It's still on the market because it appeals to people who just want to get drunk for as cheap as possible.
    • Bad Guy Beer is the result of a Lethal Chef trying to make beer.
    • Bad Guy Beer appeals to a very small niche of people who can actually stomach that crap.
  • Inverted: Bad Guy Beer is so delicious that it always causes Beergasms.
  • Subverted: Alice complains about the taste of Bad Guy Beer, but she turns out to be the kind of person who thinks all beer tastes bad.
  • Double Subverted: In the case of Bad Guy Beer, everyone agrees with Alice that it tastes bad.
  • Parodied:
    • Bad Guy Beer is literally carbonated urine.
    • Bad Guy Beer is just carbonated water with brown food colouring.
    • The Bad Guy Bar only offers beer "for rent". (It looks like urine, tastes like urine, and quickly comes out as urine...)
    • Alice drinks a bottle of urine disguised as Bad Guy Beer and thinks it is an improvement.
  • Zig-Zagged: The brewery that makes Bad Guy Beer is very inconsistent: sometimes the beer is delicious, sometimes it's passable, and sometimes it's awful.
  • Averted: Bad Guy Beer tastes just fine.
  • Enforced: The executives forced the writers to portray alcohol in a negative light. If all the beer in the work is shown to taste bad, will the young audience still be tempted to try it?
  • Lampshaded:
    • "This bar doesn't serve anything drinkable. I'm surprised it's still in business."
    • "Bad Guy Beer. More like Bad Beer."
  • Invoked: The Bad Guy Bar is a front for illegal operations, and instructs their brewery to intentionally make the beer taste bad so that they can keep casual customers away.
  • Exploited: A criminal front discovers an awful brand named Bad Guy Beer, and decides to exclusively serve it in order to keep casual customers away.
  • Defied: The brewery behind Bad Guy Beer notices the horrible reception of its products and tries to improve them.
  • Discussed: "That bar looks shabby. I bet the beer tastes like urine or warm water."
  • Conversed: "Why does so much beer in fiction taste awful?"
  • Implied: Bob orders a glass of Bad Guy Beer. Even though he's thirsty, he doesn't finish it.
  • Deconstructed: The brewery goes out of business because no one wants to buy the awful Bad Guy Beer.
  • Reconstructed: The brewery finds out that it can get away with selling awful beer if it's cheap (which at least makes it appeal to people who just want to get drunk).
  • Played for Laughs: Bad Guy Beer is so bad that the characters like to prank each other by secretly replacing good beer with Bad Guy Beer.
  • Played for Drama:
    • The reason Bad Guy Beer tastes bad is to mask the taste of poison if the bar ever wants/needs to kill a customer.
    • The work is about Bob's struggle to run a brewery. He's sympathetic and wants to offer a good product, but struggles to make anything that's even drinkable...
  • Played for Horror: Bob drinks some Bad Guy Beer and complains that it tastes even worse than usual. He find out too late that it's because the beer was laced with a bitter poison/drug, and now a horrifying death awaits him...

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