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Playing With / A God Am I

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Basic Trope: A character develops a literal god complex with delusions of grandeur.

  • Straight: Having amassed power over all he sees, Emperor Evulz begins to believe that he is a god.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Evulz declares himself a messenger of God.
    • Evulz claims to be a demigod.
    • Evulz is a god, and always brags about it. The other gods however, consider Evulz to be gutter trash.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • A God I Am Not.
    • Like a God to Me.
    • One of Evulz's newfound powers grants him a new perspective, letting him know that even in his new state he's nothing but a cosmic speck.
    • An already god-like being gets so caught up in the fun of the mortal world that he forgets about his divinity at a time when those powers would have been fairly helpful.
    • "I am the Devil!"
    • Devil Complex
    • Evulz is a militant Nay-Theist who, despite all the power he has gained, refuses to acknowledge himself as the thing he hates. He sees his godlike power as nothing more than a means to an end.
    • Evulz sees Bob as some sort of god, seeing people praise of him as worship.
    • Evulz directly believes there is no god.
  • Subverted:
    • Evulz gains godlike powers, but maintains a grip on himself and does not succumb to a god complex.
    • Other characters think this trope is in effect but since Evulz has acquired God's power(s), this is less of a delusion and more of an objective statement of fact.
    • People believe that Evulz is a God, but only so long as he behaves like one. This gets tiring very quickly.
    • Despite his Holy Halo and use of the Royal "We", Evulz denies being a god...
    • Evulz undergoes a Heel–Face Turn once he gains power and calls himself a god. He feels a duty to all and immediately starts correcting the mistakes he made as a mortal.
  • Doubly Subverted:
    • Evulz's control gradually slips as he begins to use his powers more and more, until he eventually gives in to his god complex.
    • ...The title of god is too weak a term to describe the manner of superior being Evulz believes he is.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Mad with power, Evulz calls himself a god, but after a defeat at the hands of the protagonists, he realizes he is not as all-powerful he thought. He escapes and amasses even more power, gets right back at it, only to be defeated and disillusioned once more.
    • Evulz says that the differences between him and a god are purely academic at this point. He doesn't try to correct anybody who either calls him a god or denies that he is one as he can see valid reasons to call him both.
  • Averted:
    • Evulz is a power-mad dictator, but shows no signs of any kind of god complex.
    • A good, humble guy is appointed to godhood, and remains a good, humble guy.
  • Enforced: "We need an antagonist that is a god, but is mortal and killable, so let's have the antagonist claim he has become a god, where in reality he is not."
  • Lampshaded: "Calling yourself a god now, Evulz? You know, that's got to be pretty high up on the list of signs of madness."
  • Invoked:
    • The Man Behind Evulz pretends to be a cultist and subtly pushes Evulz into believing himself a god, so that in his arrogance, he's easier to control... and dispose of, if need be.
    • Emperor Evulz is a Manipulative Bastard armed with sufficiently advanced technology who passes himself off as a god to a primitive tribe to win their loyalty so that he can use them as Cannon Fodder against the heroes later down the line.
    • Evulz's Evil Plan requires that he attain godhood (or fake it) as part of a grander scheme.
  • Exploited: The Hero challenges Evulz to prove that he really is a god by shrugging off a powerful attack. In his delusion, Evulz falls for it and gets defeated.
  • Defied:
    • Evulz insists that he be subject to routine psychological profiles so as to detect and catch any impending signs of a god complex, and thus deal with it before it gets out of hand.
    • You think you have become a god now, Evulz? News flash- you're still not quite bulletproof.
    • Evulz's powers have made him a Reality Warper, but he emphatically denies that he is a god at every opportunity.
  • Discussed: "All reports indicate that Evulz's mind is slipping daily... he's making his followers worship him, now."
  • Conversed: "A god complex seems to be a required standard of entry into the supervillain club in these comic books."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Evulz's god complex is symbolic of nothing more than his complete insanity, and actually sees him lose power; as long as his underlings are careful to humour their boss, they can do as they please and he is none the wiser.
    • In a situation very similar to real-life versions of The Caligula, Evulz's God-complex sees him begin to rule his empire in an increasingly erratic and hubristic fashion, causing suffering and pain to everyone around him, while his own god complex turns against him, with his delusional insanity preventing him from seeing events realistically and drawing him closer to his own downfall. Things get so bad that even Evulz's trusted underlings decide they have to do something about their leader's mania.
    • Evulz turns out to have Hidden Depths. He's actually a Broken Ace who became so damn good at everything that his gifts caused people to worship him rather than befriend him; gradually resulting in his alienation from conventional society and self-proclaimed status as a God-Emperor. Now, gaining power for its own sake is his only purpose in life and he cannot form any kind of emotional bond with others.
  • Reconstructed: Evulz gradually learns that his underlings haven't been taking him seriously and shows them what he really means when he claims to be a god. Cue the "divine" wrath.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • The heroes hear that Evulz has started believing he's a god. They sneak into his lair only to find a massive party. As it turns out, Evulz DOES think he's a god. Bacchus, to be exact.
    • Evulz stands atop his Evil Tower of Ominousness and screams at the four winds: "Tremble before me world, AS NOW I AM THE ONE AND TRULY GOD!"... And then a Bolt of Divine Retribution fries him to a crisp while a heavenly yet calm voice quips back at him: "No, you're not".
  • Played for Drama:
    • Evulz is aware that he's losing his sanity but can't do anything about it. While believing he's a god, he ends up harming the few people he actually cared about. After being brought down to normal, Evulz is forced to face the consequences of his actions.
    • The heroes hear that Evulz has started believing he's a god. They sneak into his lair only to find a massive party. As it turns out, Evulz DOES think he's a god. Bacchus, to be exact. It's when the maenads start tearing animals and babies to bits in their drunken rampages that it dawns on people that this is not a good thing.
    • Crisis of Faith-sufferer Evulz amasses a great deal of power so that he can spit it in the face of the Powers That Be. He gets a Bolt of Divine Retribution to the face for his troubles.
  • Played For Horror: Evulz goes full Omnicidal Maniac to prove his godhood to the world.

A God Am I! I occupy a godly throne in the heart of the sea of tropes!
